MovieChat Forums > Bloodline (2011) Discussion > my opinion on this movie (spoilers inclu...

my opinion on this movie (spoilers included)


First off, it's a very sensationalist movie. Of course, the subject is as controversial as it can get. But, as a movie it's very well put.

Director Bruce Burgess is known for his crazy conspiracy themed movies as this is no exception. It's based on the premise that Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene married, possibly had children and when Jesus died, they moved to somewhere in the southwestern France. And people believe their bodies are hidden in this region to this day.

The movie starts off with less or no real documentation at all, so it's all myth-based.
Right from the very first interviews you can see people not giving an anwser or being highly discomfortable with the questions. This gives a real sense of secretism and danger thoughout the entire movie. It sets the mood on a dark note and if you get into it, you can really feel the tension growing up.
Many scenes of the film are dark, have pixelated faces or distorted voices so that helps a lot.
The storyline of the movie is cohesive and very well thought.

The storyline of the bloodline itself it's not that cohesive. You can check this link for further analysis on the 'facts': (not my site, found it browsing)

It'd really blow me away if, after centuries of studies of documents, locations, etc. by experts, a simple man like Ben Hammott could make this discoveries like he did (totally amateurish), solve all the riddles (if the parchments were true and all), etc.

One guy that really gave another dimension to the Priory of Sion was Nicolas Haywood, the guy is either: a) a part of it; b) a terrific actor; c) a nut.
And I really want to believe he's the first one, even though he says the secret has to remain that way, but he comes in front of the camera and replies to 95% of the questions. It's a bit of an antagonism, but later he tells the director the Priory was waiting for someone to come and reveal it to the world - is really this the best way? At the end of the movie I don't know what to think of this guy.

So, as a movie is very well made, but the underlining story is fiction most of it.

The cure for religion is common sense.
