MovieChat Forums > Bloodline (2011) Discussion > Not a documentary, this is a hoax!

Not a documentary, this is a hoax!

This film is described by IMDB as a documentary. This is not so and is just pure fiction made for fun and entertainment.This is a spoof movie. I am sure the director had a smile on his face the whole time he was filming it. This is too unbelievable to be true. I find it incredible that many people out there actually believe that a weirdo nutjob has found an until now unknown damp cave in France containing the mummified remains of Mary Magdalene or any other person for that matter, wrapped up in a still replendant Knights Templar cloak without the slightest bit of mildew on them, after being hidden for nearly 2000 years - in the climate of Egypt or Arizona maybe, but not in France - it is just too damn wet! And there is nothing in the news about it! This person would be a wealthy celebrity by now if he had made the location of the "tomb" known, and once the secret was out, there would be no point in killing him. And why is it that the people who gave the clues as to the location of the artifacts, said "you are the ones" and would only give information to the interviewers as they were "special"?

This so-called documentary is just a hoax, inspired no doubt by the Blair Witch Project. That being said, it was nonetheless a very entertaining movie and well worth watching, just for the fun of it.


Please do your Math...
The order of the Teple of Salomon existed until 1307 (13th of October 1307 to be precise), so the cloak would be around 700 year old. Cloaks were made of wool, mostly sheepswool and were dot cleaned as modern wool, so the natural oil/grease would work as a water repellent treatment. See for example the Hjerolfnes Kirtle or the thorsberg trousers.
Wool is nothing more than hair, and together with bones the longest lasting body material


Please do your Geography...

These items were found in arctic regions.



And they did. Hell, they still are. In addition to lousy books and DVDs, they're offering paid tours of Rennes le Chateau now.
