what was so comical about a film abut a woman with a mental disorder? like the united states of tara or whatever it's called? when has schizophrenia become funny, romantic or even cool?
let's not forget that this woman released that stolen puppy. who knows what happened to it. not to mention the 4 kittens she also stole. she can barely take care of herself.
this character seemed like someone in dire need of mental help.



I caught most of this on IFC last night. I missed the puppy part, but was freaked out by her tossing the kittens across the room onto her bed. Then she takes off for Boston. All I could think about for that portion of the film were the kittens dying in her apartment. When she gets back from Boston and is making Tea...not a kitten in sight.

(Yes, I am sure no kittens were harmed in the making of this film).


Yes, I posted about the poodle and kittens in another thread. I'm glad others caught it.

Of course, she's completely mental, totally charmless, in dire need of a loooong bath/shampoo and a sociopath for sure. Unfortunately, sometimes those things pass as 'genius' or 'edgy' in NYC! What a sad state of affairs.


Funny Parts (for me):

Having the film open up with her yelling every female name she could think of to get the attention of the asian woman so she could rip off her purse.

Getting into an argument over table tennis with the very tall, very serious Asian man outside while he was eating his cold cuts.

Watching her skinny guy friend getting sprayed with foul smelling imitation Polo cologne.

Watching her hustle her way to go to the Central Zoo with the NYPD.'s not fall down funny, but there's some really dark, ironic bits of humor here that I enjoyed! sometimes we overlook subtle comedy and i think there are some examples of this in the film. i enjoyed it.


If that's NYC humour, count me out, no thanks, I'll take Woody Allen instead any day.
