MovieChat Forums > My Name Is Khan (2010) Discussion > Depiction of San Francisco

Depiction of San Francisco

It's often been said that many Hollywood films reflect Western ignorance of other cultures, and I would not be one to disagree. My Name Is Khan, however, proves that this ignorant attitude is apparently also pervasive in Bollywood as well.

As a San Franciscan, I'm wondering if Mr. Johar knew anything about our city to begin with. It seems as though he just reached into a hat to pull out a name of a random American city to set his movie in. In My Name Is Khan, SF is depicted as a hotbed of seething white redneck racism.

In actuality, San Francisco is noted as one of America's most liberal cities and is also one of the most culturally and ethnically diverse. A good portion of the city's population is foreign-born. Walk around downtown on any given day and you will see Indians, Pakistanis, Arabs, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Filipinos, Mexicans, Salvadorans, Eastern Europeans, etc. This is not to say that there is no racism or prejudice to be found here, but the film's depiction was laughable in its ignorance.

Don't get me started on the scene set in Georgia.....


Are people like you dumb on purpose, or did you just become that way due to being arrogant?

Please check out this blog completely and then come back to me when you have some real knowledge of what's going on in the USA with regards to race-

Also, check out this story from different sources about how the FBI sent an agent provocateur into a Muslim mosque to stir up trouble: (The ex-FBI informant with a change of heart: 'There is no real hunt. It's fixed') 120403720.html (Mosque infiltration feeds Muslims' distrust of FBI) s-muslims (Deploying Informants, the FBI Stings Muslims)


How about that? Four links, and not a single one DEALING WITH THE ISSUE AT HAND YOU IDIOT!

The subject of this posting is the city of San Francisco, not debating on the existence of racism in American society. It's funny listening to someone talk about someone else being dumb on purpose when you apparently didn't bothering READING WHAT I HAD WROTE

Your idiotic inability to understand the point I was making literally makes my head heart, would you mind hurling yourself off a building so you don't have to kill anyone else's braincells with your profoundly moronic and off-base ranting?

Also, don't ever ****ing tell me to look at Racialicious again. That website is made by and for those who hate anyone who is white, bit of a website for hypocrisy merchants, which is probably why you like it!




Actually, it's a website for challenging racial assumptions and[/i] for challenging white privilege, something that's sorely need in this world. And I'm sorry, but your previous post only reinforces my previous response to you.


Was my thread titled "America is perfectly tolerant place free from racial prejudice"? No

Was my thread titled "Minorities have it great in America"? No

My thread centered on the inaccurate depiction of my home city in a Bollywood film. That's it. Plain and simple. You moronic response was neither warranted nor relevant

And Racialicious is little more than Stormfront for black people. Sorry, but I don't swallow the lies and cultural marxist claptrap of "white privilege" and "social justice" and any of that garbage. You know what's sorely needed in this world? People who stop acting like full time professional victims and who don't ascribe any bad aspects of their culture to the fault of someone else


Hey solex, haven't heard back from you in a while. Feeling embarrassed about being such a mouth breathing idiot yet?



Relax. Admit you are generalizing. Also, The child's death was in a small town north of SF. The radical guy in the mosque was in LA.

Not much bad happened in SF other than the random guy who ripped off the head cover in the sis-in-law's college.

KJo (director) regretted the flood scenes but that was the way for Rizvan to meet the Prez.

Just enjoy the film for what it is. You have to agree that there was all sorts of ignorance shown toward Muslims in US after 9/11. Even in 2012 where the redneck murderer killed Sikhs in Wisconsin. Sikhs!

Life's too short to be pissed off all the time.
