MovieChat Forums > My Name Is Khan (2010) Discussion > Looks like a preachy, predictable, over-...

Looks like a preachy, predictable, over-the top sob-fest if you ask me

Seriously, why is it that movies like these are heralded as art and masterpieces? We all know how it's going to go. "Poor sweet Indian man with disorder finds love. 9/11 happens. Poor Indian man gets victimized, has strained relationship with lady, all while sending a non-too subtle message about American bigotry and injustice. Then man looks for justice, ending on a sugary note about tolerance all while melodramatic orchestral music plays in the background."

I have to admit though, didn't predict the "I'm going to meet the president" thing. Just when I thought this movie couldn't be more over-the-top. As if Obama doesn't have more pressing issues than to waste his time on guy who isn't even American tell his sob story. And as a person with a sibling with Asperger's, I'm already put off by this guy's acting in the trailer. "Look at how awkward, sweet and quirky I am! I Must have aspergers!"

And I think an Indian director should look at issues of bigotry and racism in his own country before he take the high road and criticizes the US. I understand why he'd want to touch on issues of race and stereotype in the US, but the way the trailer presented all Americans as if they'd react with "OMG! An Indian Muslim w/ Aspergers?! Get the torches and pitchforks!"

Buttt, I haven't seen the movie and just making assumptions on the trailer. Perhaps it's alot better and more nuanced than I think it is. Although I can't possibly imagine how that can be the case with that President subplot.


I agree with every point you made. Still, I'm going to wait and watch the film.


Fanaa + Kabhi Alvida Na Kahna + KidNap = My Name Is Bean.




This movie will only further the agenda which some muslims already possess: that of considering themselves victims. This agenda is one of the primary agendas used to convert "regular" muslims into "terrorist" muslims.


I think you are unnaturally obsessed with Muslims because you are posting the same crap on every thread. If you are so angry at Muslims then dont go and watch this movie, I am sure nobody is forcing you to watch it.


I am not posting the same 'crap' on 'every' thread without reason.


I completely agree with you trigger. This is a propaganda movie made with the help of petro dollars. And anyways Karan Johan is a crappy director.


you didn't see it smart guy


If it looks like it...then don't watch it!...simple...


"And I think an Indian director should look at issues of bigotry and racism in his own country before he take the high road and criticizes the US."

You are absolutely right about that, But Karan Johar will not touch any Indian issues because he won't be able to make it glamorous. He always goes the foreign and wealthy route because he likes to show wealth in order to impress Indians who are largely poor.

I am an Indian who lives in North America. People are nowhere as racist here as they are in India.

Shah Rukh and Karan Johar are trying too hard to make an internationally acclaimed film but they are unable to.


Just saw this movie tonite. Total crap. Totally overhyped. Extremely long, 1st half was such a drag.


I'm glad I didn't watch this. I came so close to. Two friends who saw it told me don't watch it, it was an embarassment to them (as Indians). Looks like it was the usual Shahrukh doing his crappy overacting but yet the masses will make it a hit and SRK will get all the awards he clearly doesn't deserve. Bollywood is a joke. They promoted this as likely to be a Crossover hit...Crossover hit? Whoever thinks that has bad taste. Please I just hope India isn't stupid enough to send this vomit as an Oscar contender.

Oh yeah and SRK has nothing on Aamir and I'm not even an Aamir fan!


SRK was brilliant! Better than Dustin Hoffman in 'Rainman'. I taught autistic children for years, and SRK's performance couldn't be more perfect. People who criticize the film should at least see it first. I read one critical review with details so wrong that it was obvious the reviewer hadn't seen the film, and was guessing from the previews. The movie had a few flaws technically in one or two scenes, but- as one reviewer commented- if one focuses on the feeling impact of the scene, it more than makes up for the loss suffered when the intellect picks apart the petty surface details.


I am sorry that you feel so strongly without bothering to go see the movie.

SRK does a beautiful portrayal of a man with Asperger's.

I won't say that the movie is subtle in its understanding of people--if they do good things, they are good; if they do bad things, they are bad.

But it did not portray (almost) all Muslims as terrorists in waiting (like Kurbaan). It did not portray (almost) all Americans as racists/religious bigots/torturers (like New York).

The movie's view of African Americans in Georgia (how did he get to Georgia? Why?) seems to show the director's guess at what Indians think American Blacks in the deep south should be like. In that, stereotyping comes through and rings false.

This movie does not show the many Americans who went out of their way to escort Muslim women in hijab to shopping centers, etc. after 9-11, or the interfaith dialogues and friendships that were prompted. But it was not outrageous in its portrayal of the real prejudices that do get expressed here.

It is a sweet movie. Many people hate sweet movies, that is their prerogative. It is not the best movie the world has ever seen.
But it is NOT a poorly done movie.

As an American, I hope it will have a Crossover audience.


I saw both Kurbaan and New York. Yeah your points on both of those movies are spot on. If I was a Muslim and I saw Kurbaan I'd be very annoyed by it. I'm a white American so I was annoyed by New York. MNIK only annoyed me slightly. I thought it was pretty good for the most part.

Yes, you are reading my signature.


lack of gray matter in the brain often results in this kind of vomit.



wow, how long did your shrink leave you alone on the PC ???

what should all of us NON CALL center, NON american outsourced income, NON american educated, Indians living in the country of INDIA do ?

chant mera amerika mahan ? and fall on your beer guzzling feet ???

bloody loser...

"You are not in Kansas anymore" Avatar, The Star Wars of our generation...


another hypocritical thoughtless imbecile... if that NON is any farmer, it makes sense. Farmers are majority in India and none of them have time to write here. Really, you are not in Kansas anymore.


People--give this bohemian11 the the verbal thrashing he/she deserves. I have not seen the film yet--but nobody should be allowed to get away with such talk about hardworking sincere competent Indians.


have you even read 'wizard of oz' you uneducated loser?

you are typical American NRI who hates all his countrymen who stayed behind, and REALLY work hard to make India a better place, you don't have any country to call your own, you are not American or Indian, you are like dog *beep* floating in a sewer, neither going DOWN or floating up, but making everything around you worse...

I am proud of India, of being an Indian,

what if i am a farmer ? so according to you narrow minded bullsh-t , indian farmers must stay poor and not see movies or enjoy life? wtf is wrong with you?

if farmers are a majority then they deserve to be happy and fullfilled! I have run projects to install internet connectivity to some of the Indian villages (in and around sangli, satara), and its slow tedious work, but it is progress.... progress which narrow minded FOOLS will not allow, coz all you can do is throw sh-t at other people, dont you see your hands are getting dirty by that ?

"You are not in Kansas anymore" Avatar, The Star Wars of our generation...


Seriously, it is becoming narcissitic hypocracy of being Indian nowadays.


You're priceless. All your post has managed to do is show your myopoic viewpoint and brandish your ignorance. But then again, I refuse to try and insult someone like you, who clearly does a better job of doing that to herself/himself than I ever would.

p.s. - This is regardless of what nationality, race or gender you are.
