Please dont

Please dont watch this movie,its 1h30min waste of time.


Well, I know for a fact that some people love this movie...
So making a comment like that, as if it was the absolute truth, is just plain stupid.
Everyone should make up their own mind.
But now we know what you think (and we couldn't care less).


I watched this film because I loved the first one and even though this wasn't as good as that one it was still a pretty solid sequel.


cashmirr - What's your problem?


i abolutely loved it. i think it was much better than part 1

the green men are coming, i swear i know



thought it was really good

Eric C 4 Prez


s'ok. A bit slow to get going but it's about as good as the first one.


Too late. If only I had read your warning before. :/

j/k I really liked the first one, and liked this even better. Admittedly, slashers are by definition formulaic, but I think these films are shining stars of the genre.


cold prey 2 is rated right up there with hatchet,cold prey 1 and Feast

amazing movie with one awesome ending


You did not just rate this movie as high as Feast? I know people are entitled to their own opinions but that right there is blasphemy! hehe

Cold Prey 2 was absolutely aweful. Truth be told, I watched the second Cold Prey before the 1st one, which is never a good idea to begin with but the way the killer sort of 'wakes' up is absolutely ridiculous. The deaths, at least what I remember of them, were portrayed much more shocking then they really were and some were just stupid, like the one (SPOILER) were he breaks the neck of the guy trying to crawl his way up the stairs... I mean, if they'd gone all Evil Dead about this it would have been hilarious but they actually figured that was a good way to kill someone...

I know some people love the whole Cold Prey series but in my humble opinion, this is a waste of time and money.


You mean rated DOWN there with Hatchet?

"Den Gleichen Gleiches, den Ungleichen Ungleiches."


I adore any Norwegian film is already of interest to me. :-)

That having been said, I LOVED the first film, and I'm extremely disappointed that this sequel, from 2008, has not been released in North America. :-(

And if I didn't have those points going for me, there also seems to be a myriad of opinions that suggest this is a solid sequel.

So, while I appreciate your good manners, if and when the opportunity presents itself for me to see this film, I plan to hum my way to the nearest theatre or store for the film or DVD!


I also found this slightly better than the first, except that there were no cute guys in this one ;)

...just sayin'...


Oh, shut your mouth, you unintelligent little snotnosed brat. At least say WHY you didn't like it. Waste of time was reading your moronic message. You have the expresive skills of a primate.

"Den Gleichen Gleiches, den Ungleichen Ungleiches."
