MovieChat Forums > Fritt vilt II (2008) Discussion > 100 things i learned from watching Fritt...

100 things i learned from watching Fritt vilt II(SPOILERS)

1. If you are stabbed in the torso with a pickaxe, you will not bleed to death from your injuries if you are outside during winter.

2. If you are stabbed in the torso with a pickaxe, thrown down a ravine, and left outside in the freezing cold for two days this will in no way affect your physical condition or ability to run around and kill lot's of people.

3. If you survived beeing stillborn this will make you immortal. Neat!

4. Killers know where any hospitals power generator is AND the backup power generator and know how to disabble them beyond repair.

5. If you wake up and said killer is on the loose again, you should stay in the hospital. Don't under any circumstance jump out a window and go call help.

6. Cops and nurses look good in uniform.

7. Civilians are not allowed to use shotguns...unless they are Male civilians of course!

8. Jannicke is a trained pickaxe-thrower

9. When waiting for a psychotic killer in an abondoned hotel be sure to sign the guestbook.

10. Handcuffing said killers works best if you handcuff both hands. Like with Jannicke only she got both hands and feet.

11. The local police chief knows more than you think!


12. Old helpless ladies will most likely survive from a psycho killer.


Ha ha. I laughed alot reading it. But if you want logic and answers...?

1. If it doesn't hit a main artery it doesn't bleed that much.

2. It's not 2 days. It's probably10 hours fully clothed. Jannicke fights the killer in the morning, stumbles to the road for 3-4 hours. Half an hour to the hospital and one hour there. The the police travels for 3-4 hours. Do the math.

3. He's not immortal. I think the beeing stillborn part says that he might wakeup. And you know you should never trust a stillborn.

4. They are always in the cellar. And he just cut some wires. The back-up power generator is just old and tricky. He didn't mess with it.

5. Or you save the kid and try to kill the bad guy with a syringe filled with poison. But when you almost kill the doctor instead you calm down and you decide to leave. But the kid is gone...

6. Yeah they do. Specially the nurse!

7. I know by fact that a line said by Jannicke was cut. She's in the police car and says "I didn't think civilians where allowed to carry guns..." meaning Ole. To bad it was cut.

8. !!!

9. Ha ha I love that one. And I also love that there are moments of emotion in this one (FVII). She went by snow scooter and the killer walked. She knew she had time and of course it was also like a will or testament. To leave some trace... I think she thinks she might die.

10. Well the killer hasn't yet given you nose bleed... It's the blonde policeman who ties her to the bed.

11. He did... (underlining "did").

12. If they were in the toilet... No.

Bring Em On!!!


The killer is actually swedish. A swedish stuntman to be more correctly.



16. Many people have different shock-reactions. Some people screams, some people start crying, some people are calm and does not really know what is happening... Old helpless ladies doesn't understand a thing, and goes on with their daily routines such as going to the bathroom in the middle of the crimescene.


17. when kids play hide and seek they always play loud video games. This is how the eluded their friends when they normally play.

18. Psychotic killers love setting traps and walking aimlessly around hallways.

19. When being informed that a mass murderer is trapped in the basement, do not secure the perimeter and wait for help....instead seek help from civilians and go after the bastard.

20. When having barricaded a hotel to wait for a psycho killer with only one means of not make sure to stay awake, or tie a string from the door to your toe, but instead fall asleep as you are probably very relaxed at this point.

21.Sequels do not contain any nudity with hot chicks...they are killed in the first one, and any addition nudity or sex would just ruin the story.
"come with me if you want to live".



23. Psychotic killers always pick the blondes first.

24. When shown with corpses it doesn't mean you can punch them like sandbags.

25. Throwing pickaxe can pentrate a big man's torso.

26. When you can't find the bathroom, ask a nurse or you would get frostbitten.

27. A snow crack makes perfect cemetery

28. When a wound gets itchy, that means it is healing.

29. Nurses tend to take shower when taking off from duty.

30. Floor with blood is very slippery.

31. Death certificate will be issued in 4 hours of death.

32. Guys like nurses.

I'm rich and divorced


33. As a psychotic killer, if you have one pickaxe and you find another pickaxe. Leave one pickaxe and bring the other pickaxe.

34. Wearing the same coldweather clothes for 30 years will make your flesh merge with them.

35. Dorky cops are too giddy to listen to heart monitors.

36. Psychotic killers are grumpy when they're revived.


37. If you stick a 3 inch needle in a persons neck, and smoothly withdraw it, the person will feel no pain.

38. If a psycho killer is on the loose, killing lots of people, and the cops are alerted, they wont show up until the next morning.

39. If the cops showed up the very next morning, the other survivor will not notify them, but take the matter into own hands, get a gun, hijack a scooter, drive randomly into the mountain, and be the backup itself.

40. A car is not a smart thing to utilize when in immediate danger

41. If someone is chasing you towards a door, and you manage to open the door, just in time to escape to the stairs, you will fall in the stairs, for the psycho killer to kill you.


42. Killers like to wear alot of warm outdoors clothes inside

43. When you want to kill all the people inside a building/hospital there is no need to worry that the people might spread out and get away. One killer is enough to barricade them inside.

44. Also, the victims will split up and seek out the killer at various places

45. The police withraws when they discover that the killer is good at killing people and opening doors.

46. Jannicke does not want killers revived, but after he killed some more sivilians she cannot make herself execute him

47. police car windows are easly kicked out with rubber boots


48. No chick can hold on to a weapon for more than 1 minute.

49. If you agree on a plan to find the kid and the old lady and then get away, immedtaiely change your mind afterwards and go look for the dcotor by yourself without any weapons, as that must be a good idea.

50. The killer will kindly stand and wait right behind you until you wake up before killing you.

51. If cops break down the basement door where the killer is supposed to be and he's not there, they will clearly agree to go outside and wait for backup, but what they actually do is to go upstairs and look for the killer there.

52. Every kid in every horror movie is plain annoying. Always!

53. Psycopathic killers get homesick if they stay away from their own place too long.

54. The protagonist will (as always) be the only character who gets tossed around by the killer instead of being immediately killed.

55. Incredible rage will do wonders for you pick-axe throwing aiming skill.

"I want a frisbee made of Mexico."


55. If you revive a killer make sure you sit on the edge of his bed and eye the hot nurse.

56. If you revive a killer make sure you leave a nice sharp scalpel within arms reach.

57. If you are going to revive a killer make sure that there is only one rookie cop gaurding him who is distracted by the nurse.


7. Why would a woman use a shotgun? Those dishes won't wash themselves.

I would like to go back in time and kill the idiot who created the term "reimagining."


58. If your boyfriend does't answer your phone call for help you don't try to imidiately inform the local police station.

59. Frodo Baggins broke his arm in Norway when he was young...

Suicide is the most sincere form of self-criticism.


4B. Living from a childhood in an abandoned hotel in the middle of nowhere without any education whatsoever makes you a professional engineer skilled in every device possible.
7B. Civilians don't need any shotguns - they're perfect ice-axle throwers.


Civilians are not allowed to use shotguns...unless they are Male civilians of course!

Ooh, your pithy comment points out the unfair balance of gender power so well!


Shaddap, you politically correct doofus. What is wrong with all you kiddies today? You think 'cause you made a snap at white heterosexual males that you're somehow god damned geniuses?

By the way, forgot this one:

If the killer who slaughtered your friends, nearly killed you, then tried to slaughter all your new friends all over again, gets shot and temporarily incapacitated, and if you happen to be holding a gun, don't shoot him repeatedly in the face. Rather, turn away to check on your weeping buddy so that he can disappear once you turn your back.

Here's another one.

If you cast two actresses in a fairly entertaining film and plan on bringing back one of them for the sequel, and if one of them is a cute blond and the other a brunette with a manly haircut who looks ten years her ago, make sure you kill off the cute blond in the first, so that the audience is forced to watch the manly brunette, whose looks degenerate even more by the time she shoots the sequel.

"Den Gleichen Gleiches, den Ungleichen Ungleiches."
