The ending..

..I can see it coming a mile away, it's got to be the victim's dad.


Care to suggest why?

I thought it might be the dad. Im wondering wether or not they had a happy relationship. It could be that he came home, saw a drunk bloke who had clearly just had his way with his daughter, and decided to kill her. Bearing in mind, there was already blood on the knife, and as we have seen it was a perfect opportunity as they can easily pin it on Ben.

Other thoughts:
- It was mentioned her mother died, but we don't know much more. Perhaps he feels that his daughter was somehow to blame. Perhaps he can't handle being a single parent?
- He works nights, perhaps to avoid her. As a parent you have a responsibility to your children. Working nights is clearly a bad move, this may signify a poor relationship with his daughter.
- I would have also expected a few shouts from him in court. Especially when they were calling his daughter crazy. I think anyone in that position would feel compelled to step in and defend her. This point is very weak, however.

There is one last thing though, it is his daughter...unlikely anyone would kill their own child.


I had a feeling it might be her sister that did it, might be wrong though, you could be right about the dad.


I don't know, something about the dad doing it just doesn't sit right.
When the dad got to the scene and heard that his daughter was dead, he was clearly absolutely DEVASTATED. He was crying, near hysterical, with spit coming out of his mouth like a river. I don't think he did it.


I thought about the dad, but only because you instinctively look for suspects in a whodunnit. However, I think we should prepare ourselves for an inconclusive or anticlimactic ending, because this production is trying hard not to follow the norms of crime drama writing.

My body makes no moan
But sings on:
All things remain in God.


I think that the dad and the girl were having an affair, or that she was being abused. I believe he came home and saw what his girl had done with Ben and he killed her out of jealousy, setting Ben up. I could be wrong though, but If I'm not, please applaud me :)


Yeah i think it could have been the dad bt not sure, and in my other post i meant her friend not sister, but having seen this nights episode that looks very unlickley.


Have to admit I was convinced that the father did it. But last night I was proved wrong

Now I am not so sure who did it, it might just be a case in the end that they find the person that actually did do the murder and we will only see him literally in the last few minutes of the last episode.

However, having heard his mum say what she did at the end of last nights episode about how Ben killed the family cat when he was 12, it is possible. Also, I am still wondering what it is she found in his drawers in his bedroom when she was looking as she looked frightened by something.

We dont know yet what Ben has been doing in the daytime for the 7 months his parents though he was at Uni, maybe he was upto no good and that will also be revealed tonight, but I am not sure.

Still, whatever the outcome it has to be said this has been the best Drama i have seen on primetime TV for a long long time
