Ben Whishaw - Great Actor

Everyone on this show are top notch actors, but ben wishaw is just amazing.

Standing Ovation, seriously!

We could be looking at a future film star if he keep it's up!


He takes my breath away. A far cry from the nonsense actors I have to read about living in California. They should take note.

Dazed and Confused



A young actor that is not stunning attractive, but talented, amazing with character and personality, something in his looks which draws you to him, big career ahead!


Not stunningly attractive? I beg to differ but I agree with everything else you've said.

He's got a couple a good-looking films to come out later. He can get to the top if he wants I'm sure, but he's apparently very shy and doesn't like being recognised, so he may not want it.

He's in a play at the National at the end of this month, there's probably some tickets left if you want to see him in the theatre.


I agree, Ben is awesome,and this was just a showcase of how talented he is.
I live near where Ben grew up and went to the same drama group as him. That was years ago now but he stood out then, was just brilliant and we all had a feeling he would go far. I'm so glad he;s doing as well as he is.

'Dude, looks like someone steamrolled harry potter'



He is too beautiful isn't he, makes me cry.


I second this!-he has the most beautiful face and beautiful voice too.I first noticed Ben in My Brother Tom and thought how amazing he was then - for such a young actor to play such a troubled soul was indeed incredible,but troubled souls seems to be his niche, his vunerability oozes from every pore..I believe he will go far and hope one day he will get a 'leading man' role and have his name at the forefront ,he thoroughly deserves it.


'I live near where Ben grew up and went to the same drama group as him. That was years ago now but he stood out then, was just brilliant and we all had a feeling he would go far. I'm so glad he;s doing as well as he is. '

That's so interesting, I love reading little things like this, makes actors seem much more real rather than people you just see on screen.

The guy's got such talent, he will go far.



I pretty much agree that Ben is NOT traditionally might even argue "awkward" looking, but honestly that's what makes him interesting! The fact that something inside of him glows more brightly than anything outside of him, and its honestly beautiful to watch him onscreen. He's not another pretty face, but he's genuinely brilliant in his ability to embody a character. Half way through the series I stopped caring about the character, and was literally concerned for Ben the human being! That's like...that's beyond just acting! This kid is going far!!


[R][E][P][O]: My Anti-Twilight.



As usual, Ben was outstanding in his performance.
He has proven himself to be a great actor before but this might have been his finest work so far. And I also have a feeling that he doesn't want to be Hollywood-big. And honestly, I like him just the way he is now, Hollywood screws too much people up. Ben is so pure and he should keep it that way.

And yes, he is beyond beautiful, I love him to bits

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