MovieChat Forums > La nana (2011) Discussion > Changing Shutter Speed?

Changing Shutter Speed?

I watched this on Netflix instant view recently and I kept noticing, from what I could tell, a change in the shutter speed during the entire film. Maybe they did this to give it a certain look, or maybe it was a transfer error on the part of Netflix? Anyone notice this?

Great film btw, loved it.



Same here. It probably was in the movie. 25th Hour looks like that too.


I thought it was my computer too until I saw this discussion.


Okay I'm the nth person to say this too. I had to stop and restart the movie on netflix thinking it was a faulty connection.

'You Have Bewitched me Body && Soul' -Mr Darcy




The sound is fine throughout, on Netflix, so I guess the slowdown is supposed to be there. I have no idea why, it doesn't seem to add anything. Nothing positive, anyway.


I called Comcast to complain. I thought my internet had slowed. Very strange.


THE MAID played the same way for me - but there's no way that the filmmakers shot the film using this stuttering video technique -- it's clearly a problem on the Netflix end. Makes the film look like it was shot on an iPhone or some low res device. I've seen 25th HOUR in the theater and own the DVD and it doesn't have the shutter/skip frame issues one of the poster's mentioned. The film may have used narrow shutter in a few sequences, but they would be minimal in relation to the whole film.


No problem watching it on tv, although the sound stops just before a change of scene in quite a few places.
