MovieChat Forums > Prey (2022) Discussion > So, how was it? No spoilers please.

So, how was it? No spoilers please.

I saw that Prey was on Hulu last night.

I was too tired to watch it being that it was after midnight.


In a word… it fucking rules! All the praise it’s received has been well-deserved. (PaId CrItiCs.) You be the judge, though.

But lol… imagine asking this place such a question as if you’re gonna get some sensible, non-hateful, non-agendist responses. This is, after all, a reich wing populated site that hates everything that inconveniences their “traditional” selves. Someone(s) already dropped a hard W, right? XD (The w o k E boogeywoman truly haunts this place.) Yeah, for any open-minded folks on here, don’t for a second believe this place is reflecting the general consensus, ya know?

Anywho, Prey is easily the most cinematic (yup) and arguably well-constructed Predator film. Great tension, killer action, amazing kick ass lead, etc. Oh dear, am I saying it’s better than the manly meat classic that oh-so-tough broflakes who scream about woke nonstop love? It’s by far the best one since the original (and not a lesser film), I’ll say that. ;)

Unkewl opinion up in this broflake joint over! (Luckily the real majority isn’t found here.)


Yup, solid film. Direction is good, and you can see how the girl uses tactics and observation throughtout the entire film. She makes many mistakes and learns from them.

I think Disney was stupid to put this just on Hulu. It could have easily claimed $100 million domestic at the box office. The word of mouth would have carried it.


I liked it. It was prettty good.


6 or 7 out of 10

The CGI was bad and it was a bit repetitive, but it was clearly made by someone who was trying to make more than just a B movie

The acting was good. I liked the protagonist a lot. The actress is very cute and looks kind of like a more petite Aubrey Plaza

The story was very nice. A girl trying to prove herself. Just classic "Man vs. Nature" storytelling. And good writing, with characters who aren't just cliches or one dimensional


It was decent but I was expecting it to be a little better if anything, as I wouldn't quite rate it above Predator 2. Cinematography, score, build up all good, but I felt it lost its way a bit once it introduced the French. They also shoehorned a quote from the original which was kind of cringe.


"They also shoehorned a quote from the original which was kind of cringe."

I didn't find that cringey at all. I loved that bit.


I feel if you're going to do that, try doing something a bit different with it, like Predator 2 did with the "You're one ugly motherf***er" line.


I watched it last night.

I liked the characters and the setting. The story was good. This movie definitely kept me entertained!

My only complaint is the cgi. The wolf and the bear looked incredibly fake. This kind of took me out of the movie. I was expecting cgi but this was atrocious.

Overall, Prey is a good movie. It's worth a watch.


Very good!!!


I subscribed to Hulu just to watch it and was disappointed. The poster earlier who said it was a "forgettable 5/10" is close, though I would probably bump that up to a 6.

Its best trait is quality cinematography. But it is overall a somewhat lazy and amateurish endeavor that marks a significant step down from Dan Trachtenberg's previous film, 10 Cloverfield Lane.

Perhaps if you keep your expectations low you'll at least get some enjoyment out of it.


It's the worst in the franchise, female led action movies are tosh.
