The First One And...

Nicholas Tse rocks...!

An Action fanatic-


Aaron Kwok rocks even more...and what about Simon Yam?
What a pity gorgeous Shu Qi isn't going to reprise the role of Muse :(


They both rock, its just that Nic has a uniqueness about him that no one in HK really has.

An Action fanatic-


Don't forget about Ekin, it's about time he back into making good movies, it is going to be awesome seeing him and Kwok and Wind and cloud again.


yeah i agree with all statements, as i loved this movie and can't wait until this comes out.


Is this a sequel or a remake?


I was about to enter the same thing, okrim! I loved Shu Qi as Muse in the first one (I didn't even RECOGNIZE her as Shu Qi the first time I viewed it--she was that great). I hope the new girl is at least as fun as Shu was in the role. I wonder if she and Striding Cloud will be together . . .


I like Shi Qi better in the movies she does not take her clothes off in, like the first Storm Riders movie.


Nicholas Tse SUCKS the big time! Aaron kowk rocks, though! One of my most anticipated flicks for '09!

I admit I'm nobody... hehe!
