Prounounciation of 'Clare'

Why is "Clare" pronounced as "Claire"? English isn't my first language, but I speak it very fluently - and this confused me. While reading the book, I thought of the name pronounced as it was writen.


It *is* pronounced as it is written - to rhyme with "dare", "bare", "hare", "fare", "rare", "mare", "flare"...etc.

If you've studied a lot of English you'll know that spelling and pronunciation are wildly inconsistent in this crazy tongue. The name can be spelt either "clare" or "claire" (or, more rarely, "clair") and they are pronounced the same. On the other hand, words whose spellings are consistent can have completely different pronunciations (e.g. bough, trough, ought, though).

I'm guessing your confusion probably arose from the fact that "clare" doesn't rhyme with "are", but as the above list demonstrates, "are" is an exception - it rhymes with "far", but other words ending in -ARE usually don't.

That's just English for you.

I do not want your biscuit. I want your love and your respect.
