I sent an e-mail to ITV asking about Britannia High and bringing it back for another series. I asked how many people would they need to sign a petition for them to be convinced to make the series and this was their reply:

Dear Claire,

Thank you for your email.

Unfortunately there are no plans for any further series of Britannia High.

Sorry to disappoint.


ITV Viewer Services - SG

Although I am dissapointed, ITV were quick to reply and were very polite. My views have changed.

And...We still have Demons. 8-)

K:There's a baby born every 6 seconds or something crazy like that
J:Baby born, Baby Born [sings]



I think we should still start a Petition and see if Itv change their Mind


Start a petition!!

I loved this show.

P.s. Unfortunately Demons was cancelled too, cause that bloke quit the show. GUTTED!
