Saw It. What Can I Say?

Growing up I must have watched Easy Rider 100 times. Getting stoned and putting this on in the background was almost a daily ritual, and the film and soundtrack - the feel of the film - really held a strong place in the my heart and I'd like to think had a hand in shaping me somewhat.

Now to this stinky turd of a film. From the very first scene I knew this was a bad movie. It feels like everything was captured first take. It's filmed and acted as though it's an episodic soap opera. Very melodramatic, zero atmosphere, unaffecting soundtrack, poor casting, dumb story...I honestly can't find one similarity between this and Easy Rider.

I assume they cast the main character as he looks similar to Peter Fonda when he's on the bike, but to have this guy try and carry a film? What were they thinking?

Peter Fonda must have signed off on this as he was one of the writers and producers of the original. Way to go, toolbox. You just ruined one of the finest legacies for me and I'm sure legions of fans. The paycheck couldn't have been that good, so why do it???


Nothing to do with Peter Fonda so no need to slag the fella off.

It would appear that the rights were sold on a few times (rightly or wrongly) and ended up with the producer of this film -


Lol did you have something to do with the making of this movie? You are the first person I've ever seen that defended it


Sounds more like he's defending Peter Fonda.

Why don't you lay there and bleed awhile, before you taste some real pain.
