MovieChat Forums > Easy Rider: The Ride Back Discussion > A sequel/prequel to Easyrider is an Insu...

A sequel/prequel to Easyrider is an Insult.

What the *beep*....Some one tried to cash in on Easyrider? There is absolutely no reason to make a prequel or sequel to easy rider. Not, everything is meant to have prequels or sequels! and Easyrider is clearly one of them..Especially not some 40+ years later.

This is an absolute insult to easily one of the most important films in cinema. What money grubbing scumbag green lit this?
I get it we live in a day and age where every god damn film has to have a sequel or some other film attatched to it....gone are the days where we can let a single film stand on its own........but, making a sequel to a film...especially a *beep* sequel might as well be borderline sure a lot of people don't care cause its just a movie...but, this film has a legacy, it influenced and inspired years of films to come, just like many of the films attached to the hollywood renaissance movement. This was a very beautiful film, that messed with the editing technique, and told a story with a very unique which you can decipher for yourself because everyone gets something different out of this film......another reason another movie attached to this film cannot it loses the spirit behind the film....During the time this movie came out, we were in the middle of vietnam, their was political turmoil, there was social turmoil, the civil rights movement was happening, the hippie movement was at its height.....people were getting tired of the sugar coated films of classic hollywood....this is where film changed..The Hollywood Renaissance helps to push and influence cinema into what it is now.....Its the last time we had to go to the movies and sit in the dark...this was before VHS, Beta Max, DVD, and whatever, these films had valid messages, broke the rules of cinema, showed us reflections of ourselves, created movies with characters that were not meant to be liked, had obscure, abrupt, or uncertain endings.....things didn't always end Easyrider, you don't see the end coming, it just comes out of no where practically...i mean compare that ending to how movies ended in the Classic Hollywood era; It followed the standard plot line chart most of the time, except for Film Noir and a few other films, you know the exposition, rising action, climax, and so on, and 3 act structure......Easy Rider breaks the rules and follows its own i doubt anyone seeing this for the first time unless someone spoiled it for you saw this ending the way it did...this movie is fantastic, and to see that someone decided to go and spit on this film's legacy like this angers me.
