Battle droids sound so stupid!

at first I thought they sounded like a bunch of 5 year olds, then I realize that they sound like a bunch of whiney idiots.


I LOVED the way the battle droids were used. I actually think they were the best, funniest thing about this film.

"It's just a movie" is no excuse for treating us like idiots!



Trust me, it gets even better during the actual series.

There's a moment at the start of season 2 when Anakin approaches 3 battle droids...

1st Droid: Uh oh, a Jedi!

2nd Droid: But there's three of us.

3rd Droid: It won't make any difference.

It may not read funny, but the resigned heartbreak in the voice of the 3rd droid is just classical.

Matthew Wood does a way better job voicing the droids than he did for Grievous. I also think I detect a bit of a Ben Burtt impersonation in the voice of the battle droids too...

"It's just a movie" is no excuse for treating us like idiots!



I LOVE the droids! I feel so bad for them. So innocent, so incompetent.


They make em sound that way to help the show appeal more to children who are too young to understand a lot of the plot concepts.


BS about children not being able to understand things. When you act like they're dumb, kids will be dumb. I read the Hobbit when I was 8, and thats a lot more complex than this and I didn't understand it totally but I understood the story and what was happening and had a real emotional connection to the characters, and felt the sadness when someone died, etc. As I thought about it as I aged I grew to understand it more. It was great to be able to read something again, recall the childlike feelings, and then as an adult dig into the meat of it without being embarassed by some childish ploy to keep my attention contained in the book.

Kids can be capable of understanding complex stories just fine, unless we patronize them and dilute the plot. Though, most adults are that dumb too apparently cause they change great titles of movies from something like "Imperial Life in the Emerald City" to something even more thirlling: "Green Zone". Cause you see, then the person looking at the poster can say "OH I get it, the Green Zone must be in Iraq, I remember Wolf Blitzer saying something about that last night, just before he pulled out the sock puppet to cheer us up after we learned about some more American dead".

What am I trying to say? I dunno, nothing that anyone cares about. Here, try this out. Make your kids read. Not only is it better for them than TV but the Star Wars books are way better than the new movies anyway. XD


Thanks for the great post.


Rodger Rodger.

"Common sense is not so common."
- Voltaire


To me the battle droids sound so human. Too human.

What is the point of creating incompetent hordes of mindless battle drones that are not people and thus can be destroyed without any guilt and then depicting them as wanting to live and having almost as much emotion as any of the clone warriors or any of the other characters and thus being people who can not be killed without guilt?.

What is the point in making the faceless hordes of the "forces of evil" funny and likable and then showing the "good guys" slaughtering them without remorse? Either there's incompetent storytelling here, or it is a diabolical plot to toughen up the child viewers to get them used to fictional and eventually real violence, or possibly this is part of some deep plan to eventually produce a change of feelings in the viewers.


They sound exactly like they did in the Lego Star Wars games. I find them hilarious.

"Stop looking at the walls, look out the window." ~ Karl Pilkington On Art


"Come back, Sergeant!"
