What a sweet movie!!!

I think the rating on this should be way higher than it is...

It was a very funny and sweet film.

And Kristen Bell is very lovely, have liked her since I saw the one of her first movies on the Lifetime channel.

This movie may have been corny and predictable, but it's definitely a highly enjoyable and heartwarming flick!


I totally agree, I do not understand why so many people think this movie sucked. There are plenty of movies out there that have high ratings that really sucked. But everyone has a different opinion so...this is mine. Watch the movie it is really funny and of course the acting is great not crappy as told!

"You were born an original. Don't die a copy."


I don't understand the dislike either... it was a cute little film... :)
And it was especially nice because it was a 'clean' film too. I appreciate that.



Enjoyed the movie. Very entertaining.

to all you haters: IT's A ROMCOM!!! Therefore it is PREDICTABLE..... Geesh!


I was surprised to see the low rating, as well. I love this movie- it is very cute and funny.


The rating is not low; it is just right! Maybe even lower!

If you found nothing wrong with this movie, I feel pity for each of you!


Thank God. There r poeple who also likes this movie!!! I could not believe my eyes when I saw all the hate on this movie. This movie was cute and sweet and I think it deserves a 7 out of ten than a 5.5


I agree! I gave it 7 stars


I liked this movie! There were quite a few scenes where I found myself laughing.


I agree the movie is so funny and even though the story was unrealistic is was still really good and nothing should've been changed.
