Boring, Racist

Completely stupid and boring, and racist. What's wrong with a black girl making out with a white guy, or any guy for that matter? It just doesn't happen in predominantly white films, instead, we are bombarded with yet another black guy making out with a white girl. Trash.



I don't know what you mean by saying the movie is racist. I saw a white guy and black girl making out in this movie. There wasn't anything racist about the scene. The fact that it was an interracial kiss wasn't even mentioned.


So let me get this straight. A white guy making out with a black girl is racist?


Racism is everywhere -- in some people's little minds.


Completely stupid and boring, and racist. What's wrong with a black girl making out with a white guy, or any guy for that matter? It just doesn't happen in predominantly white films, instead, we are bombarded with yet another black guy making out with a white girl. Trash.

Wtf are you talking about.. there was a black "girl" making out with a white guy within the first 5 minutes.

..or maybe not, lol -


Yeah, I walked away from this movie thinking it was completely racist. That's what I pulled from this movie. <sarcasm>

In truth, I have seen the movie three or four times now and I don't even know what racist scene it is that you're talking about. Obviously it was so unimportant to the plot and it left no lasting impression that it's not even worth mentioning.

This movie is hardly racist. I don't even see where race comes in to play during the movie.

Maybe the movie plays on steriotypes and satirizes films of the horror genre, but that's satire and steriotyping.


As long as there are forums, there will be trolls. Trolls love to pull the racism card because they think that's the hottest ticket to get people stirred up. The ignore the fact that they have nothing to stand on because there's nothing racist about this movie. The only racism is coming from the OP for even bringing it up.


Every movie the OP comments is racist. In his mind.

Help stamp out and do away with superfluous redundancy



I saw a black female making out with a white male in the first five minutes.

This movie wasn't reacist in the least, why do people always find a reason to bring race up into everything.



Apparently, a black guy making out with a white girl offends you, so I'd say YOU are the racist.

Halloween is coming...


Trolls be trolling.

"But, that's just one fellow's opinion." - George Carlin


I hope someone hacks into your computer and floods your hard-drive with erotic images and videos of black men screwing around with white women.
