As Usual

This is an Irish written and Directed feature. (Congratulations and every success to Spence Wright whom I've met personally and he's an ace guy).

Filming is to be in Belfast/Co. Antrim locations. Some of Northern Ireland's best spots like the Glens of Antrim, North Coast may well be used. Our scenery doubles well for that of North America!!

What annoys myself and I'm sure I'm not the only one; is that none or very little of the cast are local or indeed from anywhere else on our Filmic Island!!

Anyone else share this sentiment??


Auditions were held locally and many got the chance to audition - it just so happened that others were better on the day . It isn't done on purpose and i myself have huge respect for the talent in Ireland. It is a wonderful place and i love working there. There are also a few cast members not posted on the board who are from Belfast.

Next time maybe ?


Will there you go.

Despite speaking to the writer Spence Wright whom I knew previously, a gentleman who pointed me in the right direction.

I rang the Casting Office and sent my C.V. both by email and post if I re-call. I didn't hear blip.

Ah well what's mean't to be is mean't to be!!

Thanks kelly-490



I can't comment on the casting of "Red Mist", but casting calls for the company's follow-up movies will be on the Studio-NI group.

Join the NI Film, TV & Theatre group:

