MovieChat Forums > The Vicious Kind (2009) Discussion > Name the Hollywood character type you're...

Name the Hollywood character type you're getting tired of seeing...

One of two right off the top of my head was Adam Scott's character in this film. The disenchanted, cynical jerk quasi-badboy that women seem to fawn over and other people in the film seem to like, encourage or put up with, though they have no redeeming qualities whatsoever. If you know this type of person in real life you know their act gets really old really quick.
You know the type, the person who knocks everything, criticizes people then sits back to smoke cigarettes to let people think they're so intelligent because they have an opinion on everything. In truth, the person may be intelligent but offers no solutions or bright insights to what they perceive to be the worlds' problems. The kind that is a jerk to everyone around them for as long as people will put up with them, then they move on to the next crowd.
The worst part about this is the whole "man with a broken past" or "broken part who needs to be fixed" BS is just that, BS. I personally have known a few people like this and it usually ends the same way, we drift apart because of their negativity. The odd thing is, even in real life, women seem to drool over these men even after being physically and verbally assaulted like Brittany Snow was in the film. The type of guy who when the women fall for them it's some sort of moment of clarity and they snap out of their sullen solitude to have redemption.
Seriously? Back before some sense of enlightenment Hollywood had back in the late 70's and early 80's where it finally went out of vogue to treat rapists as heroes, this film was released in 2009...? I almost shut this film off but I have this compulsion to finish films I've started. The only type of movie/character that upsets me more than this archtype, is the movie/character that has no redemption before the end of the film.
I wished there was a list of movies that had idiots as characters like this in a film and I would cross everyone of them off my list of movies I want to see. The other character I'm tired of being portrayed in Hollywood that I can think of right now? The "Principled" killer like Anton Chigurh in "No Country for Old Men", getting REAL tired of that one.
The other one offhand? The reformed sinner/addict character. I loved Jeff Bridges as Bad Blake in "Crazy Heart" (though I didn't think he should've won the Oscar, I thought George Clooney should have). Why not have more movies about people who never committed the stupid acts in the first place?
I love movies and I love movies with redemption but especially growth in characters. I'm just getting sick of certain types of characters or movies, like this one in particular. What a waste of time and I can't believe people think Adam Scott had a good performance in this movie. The movie wasn't that good to begin with because I disagree vehemently with Scott's opening dialogue...
I just don't get it.

A good fight is one you win!
James Woods as Eddie Dodd in True Believer


This isn't a Hollywood movie.


Thank you for missing the point. If it isn't a Hollywood movie then what is it? An Indie? Fine, just answer the question and stop nitpicking.

A good fight is one you win!
James Woods as Eddie Dodd in True Believer


First off, no one got fixed. The sadness did not go away, Adam Scott just gained understanding into why his father did what he did, as he did the same thing. Adam Scott did not think he was intelligent, he was just very bitter. Also there was no redemption, all the characters screwed up and had to live with the ramifications of their actions. Moreover Adam Scott found clarity in the fact that Brittany snow was not a whore, that is perhaps why he did not tell his brother they had sex. If she was a whore he would tell his brother to make him stronger, hinted at in an earlier scene. But perhaps your biggest qualm is that you want escape in movies, so i suggest that you stick to entourage. Art is supposed to mirror life, and in life people never really get redeemed as they can not turn the movie off and start over with a diffrent character. In life people just accept their mistakes and fate, and deal with them.

P.S. The opening was beautiful, and if you dont understand it go read a F#@$ing book. Get off the couch and see the world for how it is. I mean that in the sense that problems cause anger, and sometimes there is nothing we can do except be bitter


As with Adam Scott's opening monologue, I disagree vehemently with almost everything you wrote. I GOT the movie, I GOT the opening dialogue, I GOT everything except I didn't/don't get people like his character and the people in their lives who let them get away with acting the way they do.

As with the other poster, you missed the entire point to my post. I wasn't asking you to criticize me, my choice of movies, choice of characters I like, etc. You seem intelligent but you also seem a lot like Adam Scott's character but I'll continue this post anyway. I'm guessing you're intelligent, so therefore I ask you to re-read my post and think to yourself whether you answered my question, you didn't. I'm sure in your movie-watching experience you're tired of certain characters or certain stories told a certain way, that is the only question I was asking and that is the only answer I'm interested in reading.

I read your post and if you post again, I will only answer if you answer my original question. One other "character" I was over with the instant I read my first one? The poster like yourself who flames the OP or any other poster whose ideals, thoughts and beliefs that don't agree with your own.

Now that you have accepted today's Three Billy Goats Gruff award, please answer my question and do so with the intelligence you SEEM to have indicated that you have by the writing in your post.

On a side note, we differ in our belief of the world. I believe people are inherently good and I believe people can change if they want to. And probably the most important point I want to make? Art is not "SUPPOSED" to be anything other than what it is. Some art reflects life, some art inspires life and some art degrades it. Art is in the eye of the beholder and how it changes the beholder for better or worse and to what depth.

You're obviously a cynic but probably describe yourself to other people as a realist. I'm a realist who is also an optimist. You're more like Adam Scott and I'm guessing you've had some women work you over pretty good but I'm sorry to tell you that it's your own fault. If a woman senses you're not the man that she thought that you were/are, she will make your life miserable until she breaks up with you. If she senses a weakness in your integrity she will pour salt in that wound until you yield, at which point she will move on and to a certain degree laugh at your incompetence. But again, that's on you if she does that, you're supposed to be an integrity-filled man who has a course set and will not set his sights on the first star he sees. If you're not that man, a woman will send you on a wild, bumpy ride and it's your fault.

To use your life and your philosophy, you need to accept it and move on. You must know different people than I do because most people DON'T accept their mistakes and move on. MOST people simply carry them around like sacks of sand weighing them down and DON'T deal with them effectively. In this case, it's you. You need to look in a mirror and reflect on your own art in your own life and change what needs changing and stop being so damn cynical and bitter.

Here endeth the lesson, your move slick...

PS - For the record, the book I am currently reading is "Sauces" by James Peterson and I have never seen an episode of "Entourage" nor do I want to.

A good fight is one you win!
James Woods as Eddie Dodd in True Believer


He got away with his behavior, because he only hung out with people that looked up to him like his brother and the construction worker. You don't change an idol, because you see him as perfect.

Second, in the first post you said you disagree vehemently with the opening monologue and that you just didnt get it, but now you say that you do get it.

Also I agree that humans are inherently good, but once they become damaged or pained they become angry or an *beep* Probably as a self defense mechanism. Much of a persons mentality stems from their up-bringing and socioeconomic class, so it is quite hard for them to change.

Your quite spot on with your analysis of me, Well done. However You make It seem like Im bitter, most Relationships I have been in were ended mutually for reasons of circumstance I.E. different College or Job.

On a final note you don't really sound like a realist, more naive than anything. If you really think I am going to answer your question



Wow... bitter much...? I normally wouldn't stoop to the lowest common denominator by speaking to people such as yourself but I am feeling just childish enough to engage you (should you grace me with your presence again).

First off - your handle CodeVeronicaXXX - a resident evil reference or your current career in the porn industry? If it's the former, good for you, I respect chicks who play video games and if it's the latter - take your sexist comments home, wrap them up and give them away as Christmas presents as they're unwelcome here.

Second - since you won't be coming back, you can't judge my hypocrisy, so you're also a psyhic, knowing what I say and think? Please tell me how the rest of my life is going to turn out then!

Third - my quote that you took out of context...? Doesn't mean what you think it means. Yes, people think they exist in a vacuum and that their actions and their responsibility for them begins and ends with themselves. Let me ask you this - removing the obvious emotionally overcharged rape reference, what if I got drunk and passed out at a party at which point everyone would write on my face with permanent marker, stick cigarettes in my ears and nose and then post my pic on Facebook. You'd think that's pretty funny right? What does every party goer know as one of the cardinal rules of partying? NEVER be the first one to pass out at a party? Why? EVERYONE knows what will happen...

Fourth - the quote once again - I'm guessing you're a chick and I was defending a woman's right to give her man grief if he acts without integrity and to make his life h*ll if you does so on a regular basis. It's about accountability and responsibility, we don't exist in vacuums; our actions and words are our implied promises to other people that we will act with integrity when we deal with them.

Fifth - calling me narrow-minded and then refusing to discuss anything else by not returning to this board to discuss something in an adult manner is the definition of narrow-mindedness and therefore you made yourself a hypocrit.

Sixth - as a relatively intelligent person, I can by the experience of seeing over 3000 movies over the course of my lifetime, let people know my thoughts on what I do and don't like. My opinion is all I can say is truly my own and as such, I own it. Call it naive or whatever you want but I won't back away from something I've said. I may apologize for it later but I won't disown it. The character I despise in this movie is a personality type I despise in real life. Art imitates life and vice versa, I would rather watch a movie like "That Thing You Do" with charming personalities, good character development and people who I would like to hang out with. I would hang out with the character in this movie as little as possible. And, he'd probably think the same thing about me, my friends and anyone else who happened along given his vitriolic outlook on life.

Seventh - if my brother did to me what the idiot in the film did; he'd be nursing a lot more bruises than the idiot in the film. After which, I'd likely disown him, at least for little while.

Eighth and just to annoy you - want to know a movie storyline I'm tired of? The one where aliens are looking to destroy the human race because of our warring ways and with one act of self-sacrifice the aliens spare us. Forgetting the fact that with 6B+ people on the planet, that kind of thing goes on all the time, many times, every second of every day. The movie that comes to mind first is the director's cut of "The Abyss" among so many others.

I think that's enough for a post you're not likely to read or at least respond to. In closing, if my suspicions are correct, I apologize to you on behalf of the idiot that entered your life in an unmanly way. His complete lack of integrity is a burden all men share equally because we all have to live with the mistakes other men make.

A good fight is one you win!
James Woods as Eddie Dodd in True Believer


You know, it's not really a question; it's more of a demand...


Everything you need to do is answered in the subject line, I figure if people click on it they're interested in naming the character they're tired of seeing. Is it a question? No. But it is a request, by clicking on it you've "agreed" on some level to do as requested. I'm not forcing anyone to answer and obviously few people have, what about you?

Is there some character you're tired of seeing? If so, what is it?

A good fight is one you win!
James Woods as Eddie Dodd in True Believer


Everything you need to do is answered in the subject line, I figure if people click on it they're interested in naming the character they're tired of seeing. Is it a question? No. But it is a request, by clicking on it you've "agreed" on some level to do as requested. I'm not forcing anyone to answer and obviously few people have, what about you?

Is there some character you're tired of seeing? If so, what is it?

A good fight is one you win!
James Woods as Eddie Dodd in True Believer


so if a movie says something you don't agree with you just hate it huh? wow sucks watching movies for you then


Try reading a little deeper than a puddle next time. That's not what I'm saying and you know it, I very much dislike the nature of the character we've been talking about. What I don't get is why people continue to hang around someone as vapid and vitriolic as his character was. And yes, I disagree wholeheartedly with his opening dialogue and were it not for my need to finish a movie I've started, I would've shut the movie off long before the end.
Why don't you try answering the question now that you've had your little editorialized tantrum, what movie character are you tired of seeing?

A good fight is one you win!
James Woods as Eddie Dodd in True Believer


ughh a syntax joke, those are the worst ( refering to the editorialized tantrum)

But ill answer your question as a result of your persistance, and the answer might not suprise you

the hollywood type character that im tired of seeing is the teenager that wants to bring about social justice, in other words the empowered teenage chick.
I.E. she's the man, sydney white, easy a,
its very unrealistic and a cliche


I can see that, empowered chick rules the school supposedly. Never happen.

Also the tired story line of the geeky girl who takes off the glasses and wears her hair straight instead of in pig tails was weak when it started but now is simply tired. One of my favorite movies is "My Fair Lady" which, along that storyline, is about as good as it gets.

The wimpy/strange guy who gets the hot girl in the end. Not saying it doesn't happen but a 1 in a 1000 shot that pays off in many romantic comedies? Come on! Just once I'd like to see the story played straight, complete with the bad boy on the side that never works out.

You know, now that I think about it - more than anything else, I'm tired of weak stories or ones that have been beaten to death. Hooker/stripper with the heart of gold, the average Joe with the hottie, the guy who does everything wrong but still ends up with the hottie or basically almost every romantic comedy storyline that's been done the last 5-10 years.

There have been some exceptions, some good ones even but not many.

A good fight is one you win!
James Woods as Eddie Dodd in True Believer


haha I agree with you full on, but people still watch those movies because they can relate. I watched easy-a with some freinds a few weeks ago and all the girls really liked the movie because they saw themselves as the normal girl and felt the impression that they too could get the hot stud and run the school. hell thats probably the appeal of twilight, with belle being pursued by two studs.

And perhaps the appeal of the vicious kind is that it doesnt show the everyman troupe, the character your suppose to sympathize with and relate to as a hero, as a cliche. the movie shows the everyman (the brother) as naive. in most sitcoms atleast, the everyman is shown as weak or stupid and its sooo aggravating to watch. oh yea right the nice guy ends up with the hot chick and saves the day, when at first he cant even talk to her without pissing himself.

I can agree with this post alot more than i can your first one. I mean dont get me wrong in most cases the bad boy is a cliche, makes buildings explode but doesnt even flinch. but in this movie the *beep* was realistically done, he was a mentally unstable and somewhat self destructive wreck. which in real life usually is the case, most *beep* are just insecure and depressed.

btw another hollywood character im tired of seeing is the high school student that speaks like he's in a noir movie. lol jk brick was pretty kick ass


"You know the type, the person who knocks everything, criticizes people then sits back to smoke cigarettes to let people think they're so intelligent because they have an opinion on everything"

After reading all of your posts I know the exact type of person you are reffering to...

Roads? Where we're going we don't need...roads.


While I disagree with your assessment Arthur Fonzarelli, what you said was quite funny!

A good fight is one you win!
James Woods as Eddie Dodd in True Believer
