MovieChat Forums > The Vicious Kind (2009) Discussion > What did you think of the ending? (SPOIL...

What did you think of the ending? (SPOILERS)

I personally liked how it ended.

Not everything is tied into a neat bow at the end. Donald doesn't tell Peter about his cheating or the Emma/Caleb thing.

Emma doesn't reply to when Peter whispers in her ear, "I love you".

But the 8-year feud with Caleb and his dad has finally deluded. So there is SOME closure in the film.

It's not the most moral compass or Hollywood film either about relationships, so I liked that it stuck for its guns to the very end.

QUESTION THOUGH: Why is Caleb's ex-GF thing never ended? The last thing happened is he left pics of him banging the whore at her doorstep to reply for her breathing into the phone. You'd think there would be closure to such childish antics?


I think the ex girlfriend thing was meant to be the incident that started everything off. What sent him down the path to his brothers girlfriend. Like the money in No Country for Old Men, it's never resolved but it doesn't need to be because what you should be focusing on is the bigger picture that comes out of it. I personally thought it was an amazing film. The ending was very bittersweet. His life was just coming back together and her life was now at a point where she could very well end up in a situation not as bad but somewhat similar to his. I will definitely be picking this up on dvd when it comes out.


I'd like to think Emma and Caleb got together...


I loved the ending. I really liked that it took Caleb being a bastard and him and his Dad to confront each others bastardness, to fix their relationship. Especially with what his Dad said to Peter, about how people may not always do the right things, and that doing the right thing can sometimes be painful.

I didn't mind that some things remained unresolved. It's not one of those films where everything needs to be tied up in a neat little bow.

Igobar. Thom ~ The Church of Our Overlord, Bob Ross.


i liked the ending, both scenes at the end were quite satifying

i actually didn't even realize what he was doing with those pictures until reading the wiki synopsis.

laughs are cheap, I'm going for gasps


The ending sucked! They left us at a huge cliffhanger!
