MovieChat Forums > The Vicious Kind (2009) Discussion > I have a vagina and I am POWERFUL...

I have a vagina and I am POWERFUL...

LOL Why do meN become angry with women just because we have a vagina?

It's not our fault that men are easy to control, and yes they are easy to control. But it's not my fault that a man can be led around by his dick. If you weren't so weak men then you wouldn't need to get angry with women. A mans fear of the vagina is why men all over the world try to enslave women, such as those in the middle east, India and every third world country around. Also why men in America also try to take away our power as well.

Men it's your fault that my vagina can control you. You are in charge of yourself not me and if you choose to let my vagina control you, manipulate you or abuse you then it's your fault. Your dick doesn't control me because guess what I have contol over me, so stop being pissed off at me and take responsibiliy for your own weakness.


So if you CHOOSE to control and manipulate men using your vagina then that isn't your fault?

A superhero never reveals their true identity


I can't control you unless you allow me to control you. So no it's not my fault if a man chooses to let my vagina control him.


But why do you choose to be manipulative in the first place?

A superhero never reveals their true identity


If you are going to give me a free ice cream cone i'm going to take it. If a man can't control himself and allows himself to be manipulated guess what i'm going to be a bitch and manipulate him.

Men control yourselves then you wouldn't have to be so afraid of me and my vagina.


I'll never give you free ice cream now that I know that you are just going to manipulate me . Some men can't control themselves but others can. You on the other hand do not seem to be willing to take ANY responsibity for your own actions. You are basically saying that you are going to do whatever you want as long as you can get away with it even though you know that what you're doing is wrong. Giving someone ice cream is not on the same level as manipulating and controling a person like they are your slave. One is good and the other is bad. Can you guess which one is which? For example, if I were to punch you over and over again in you face, can I just excuse myself by saying, well, I can't hurt you unless you let me so it's YOUR fault if you get hurt (even though I'M doing the punching)? I don't think so.

A superhero never reveals their true identity


The only men that are easy to control are the inexperienced ones. Once they get a bit older and more experienced, most males realize that no pussy is worth being controlled and disrespected over. When they finally understand that there is plenty of quality pussy all over the place, they stop allowing females to disrespect them.

My first serious relationship in highschool was with a bossy chick. She was bossy with her family, her friends, tried to be bossy with me, etc. but she was totally submissive in bed, also quite the freak I might add. Her dominating personality was due to the fact that she was actually completely insecure with herself. When I broke up with her, she would call me up and beg me to come over and would let me do anything to her.

Her bossy personality never turned me off women or pussy though, it just made me understand that certain individuals, even who you are supposed to be in a relationship with, will try and take advantage of your kindness if you let them.


I would agree with you in that yes young men in my age group are inexperienced and therefore easy to contol.
But explain why men are so afraid of women that they pass laws to subjugate them and abuse them such as in most countries all of the world. Although in most western nations women have rights but isn't it odd that women had to fight for those rights. Why is it that men ever felt the need to place women in a second class role. It all boils down to the power we have and the fact that men are afraid of that power.

So yes young men can be controlled but older men are afraid of being controlled so they pass laws that demean, degrade and make women second class citizens.
IF men could control themselves then they wouldn't need to be afraid of my "pussy".


Totally agree with you akrisluskev

What am I going to do with my kids, keep them in my house? Where I live?


Well, an answer to you question could fill quite a few textbooks, but I'll try and be brief and answer the best I can according to my limited comprehension of such a complex, multi-faceted topic.

I suscribe to the belief that human beings are animals, albeit highly intelligent animals that have created technology, culture, and civilization in order to make our lives safer and more comfortable, but we are still animals whose basest urges still require satisfaction.

In nature, the strong dominate the weak and feeble, who are abandoned from the herd and left to die when they are no longer useful. Young birds are thrown from the nest when the mother determines that not enough food is available to feed all of her young.

While this seems cruel, it is all done for survival of the species.

With humans, it was the same way until we learned to adapt to the world around us and manipulate our surroundings so they suit our survival better. Our populations grew, and we were able to spend time on other pursuits than merely just surviving on a day to day basis. Pursuits such as art, music, science, etc.

While males are physically stronger than women in general, women are needed for the survival of the species, so they are protected. They still, for most of human history, were considered property of their husbands, but they were also viewed with special reverence in most every culture, who glorify their ability to bear children.

In society's where women's roles were similar or exactly the same as men, they were not treated as second class citizens. This was the case in some native American tribes and also in the Western United States during frontier colonization, among others I didn't mention.

I will continue this a little later...



In the cultures where women's roles were the same as men's, matriarchy was the norm. In the Western United States, women gained suffrage long before anywhere else in the country due to the harsh realities of frontier life acting like an equalizer between the genders, women carried just as much of the load as men so they felt they deserved the exact same rights.

So it appears that when it is necessary for women in s society to fulfill the same role as men, they demand equal treatment under the law. This has been the pattern historically, throughout many different cultures and societies.

Of course there will always be those who don't want to give up their dominant position in society and will demand that women take a lesser role compared to their male contemporaries. This is why some societies are slower at giving women the same rights as men enjoy.

Certain contemporary societies have very outdated laws that physical punish women for speaking or acting out. I do not belong to these cultures and wish not to speak for them. I would simply say they are savages that are living a good 400 years behind Western Nations, not technologically, but socially and culturally.



First off, as an adult male, no woman controls me. If a relationship is right, we control each other.

Second, your point that if a man allows himself to be controlled, it's his fault is only half right. You manipulating is still wrong. What you're saying is the same as telling a date rape victim "well it's your fault for getting so drunk around the guy".


Ahhh, what manipulative women are incapable of realizing are their own flaws.
No matter how you look at it they are seriously dysfunctional people.
Part of that dysfunction is their need to control others (very likely because they feel a lack control in some aspect of their life), or they themselves are so hard up for the cock and this seriously frightens them.

