Another Network?

Is this getting picked up by another network?


The producers are looking for another network to pick the show up urn/

Whether they will be able to find someone to pick them up is another question all together. I hope they find a new home.



Does anybody know exactly why KOTH was canceled?

just wondering. was it because it had run 13 seasons and it was "supposed" to be over

or did was it getting worse?

regardless, i wish TGF would come back


I blame Seth McFarlane brainwashing everybody thinking that plotless episodes and talking animals=funny.


I certainly hope they find another network. As for Fox, I'm surprised anybody would seek them out as a network - they seem to be the worst offender for canceling good shows prematurely. King of the Hill lasted a long time but I would not be surprised if Judge had fundamental issues with their management style, maybe they meddled too much in his product.


I liked KOTH but no show should last for ever.


No disagreement here. A show runs too long and it wears out its welcome, even if it has no overall storyline it still runs out of material eventually. Just look at Simpsons, they've been parodying themselves for awhile now.


I hope it does.
