I'm from a Good family

That is our last name- I wish they had spelled this one the same- so anyway I can't wait to see it. I too like King of the Hill and I am hoping this is as good as that. I just hope it isn't nasty like Family Guy. I hate that show.


This cracks me up, my maiden name is Goode.


It's weird how I came across this on imdb. My last name is Goode.


Hehe, from the Goode family also.


Mwahaha I have all of your addresses now!


Take a wild guess at my last name.

One should respect public opinion just enough to avoid starvation and keep out of prison


Yeah, you think this is a funny thing? Try wearing the last name of Simpson around for a while. Do you have any idea how many times I've been asked if my dad's name is Homer? I usually just tell them his name is OJ and I carry a knife and some undersized gloves myself.

Liberty Bell, if you put one more baco on that potato I'm going to kick your little monkey butt.


You think you have a bad last name? My last name is Hitlerballs.



Indulging myself on NCIS episodes before heading off to Navy basic!


you should have just said hitler and left out the balls, it would have been funnier...


There are so many Good families out there. I wonder if there are any Bad families.


I'm from a Bad family, bitch.

Its a jungle out there.
