
I've seen episodes of Quincy with better production values/ script / acting / and direction than this pile of crap. How the hell did Micheal Douglas get involved with this project. I was cringing the whole way through it was so bad. I was expecting a voice at the end to say "A Quinn Martin Production", although I am probably doing Quinn Martin a terrible diservice.


Agreed. The only thing missing was Dennis Weaver galloping his horse through the streets of Shreveport.


How? How, you ask?


Not sure what he made on this, but likely that is where the majority of their budget went. My assumption is supported by the rest of the film.


Jack Klugman as Quincy, M.E. was excellent. Great show.

Now there WERE 80s values, or maybe 70s???

And Quincy would NEVER have been fooled for one second by some dumb DA planting DNA evidence at the last second. 17 TIMES.

And Quincy himself would have accused the DA and had him convicted on the spot. Never mind some dumb reporter.

Woops. There goes the movie.
