A mockery

Once again the indiginous incumbant religion and the anglo-saxon way of life in Britain is under attack through television.
The script-writers mind-set is so thoroughly confused that they ascribe islamist murder methods to a peace-loving, enlightened REFORMED [read modern] religion.

We get a self-portrayed victim group [iranian] family and their son who loves 'soccer' (do they mean football?) and 'girls' (attempting to engage sympathy to western culture) having his head cut off by right-wing christians who just happen to have a US presidential appointee as the chairman.
Honestly, you could believe it was written by pro-iranian anti-US living in the UK but the sad reality is probably wasn't, left-wing guardianista's I expect, who'll jump ship the second their 'dream' society shows its true face.

It makes a complete mockery of the actual reality, that is the FACT that pro-islamists are cutting people's heads off and blowing children up in their thousands in order to further the advance of islam both in the middle east,the west and around the world.

I feel extrememly sorry for James Nesbitt who you can tell is embarassed in the extreme.

A sad indictment of 'multi-cultural' [read=suicidal] britain.


My master had a spooky encounter, both dead and deadly,I killed MrVampire.Who am I? Ching-Ying Lam!


I am an atheist,I object to people who follow any religion trying to ram their beliefs down my throat.
The Christian religion is only in this country because it was brought here,it is all invented by man don't you see this ?

The worst religions are those that want to control everyone like the Roman Catholics and the muslims.
On the other hand the Church Of England is the most useless organisation ever to exist,thank god I'm a Scottish atheist.

This programme was not positive about muslims,they killed the kid but they were not "self portrayed" victims since they did not make the programme.
It is just a drama and not meant to be realistic.

Given your extreme views I thought you might like the crazy views put forward by Nesbit's character,you know everything is a conspiracy and you can't trust anybody.


'extreme views', [=attempts to shut down debate] oh, I see.[winks]

I suggest your views as an atheist are perhaps somewhat 'fanatical' and btw, who tried to ram their beliefs down 'your' throat?
Do you believe that something posted on a website is aimed at you personally?

Also, I find you naive in the 'extreme' if you think for a moment that television doesn't have a serious impact on suggestable people.

Still, as you said; you believe everything's a conspiracy and you can't trust anybody [call the doctor]


My master had a spooky encounter, both dead and deadly,I killed MrVampire.Who am I? Lam Ching-Lin!


I think you are the person who said that this country had a religion,which I guess you think is Christian,I object to this,the only way to fight the muslim fanatics is not to be Christian fanatics,most people are not religious but they feel they have to say they are due to social pressure.
We have an established church,religion in schools,tax relief for religions,this is what I mean by ramming it down people's throats.
Non believers don't in general try to get people to agree with them,or if they do they don't often have state support.

Believe almost anything you want but don't bother me with it.
I agree with you that the muslims want to take over,I think we fight this with a secular approach.

Of course tv,and all forms of culture,have an impact on people's views but I don't think this is a piece of political television,I might be wrong but compared to trendy crap like STATE OF PLAY or THE LAST ENEMY I think this is just a drama.

You are not my enemy,I think we proobably agree on a lot of things but I can't get worried about this particular programme.



I don't usually bother to speak to political debates on here but for once i will.

"It makes a complete mockery of the actual reality, that is the FACT that pro-islamists are cutting people's heads off and blowing children up in their thousands in order to further the advance of islam both in the middle east,the west and around the world."

You don't think that this plot could be real? there is more than one reality when it comes to religion and capitalism. The sad indictment is that there are right wing conservatives as well as Islamic extremists.

I am not at all saying that pro-Islamists do not do terrible things but I think others do too for their own gain whether financial or political.

"they ascribe islamist murder methods to a peace-loving, enlightened REFORMED [read modern] religion."

I didn't see that anywhere in this film. I do not live in England so have not vested interest in disagreeing with you. That's what I enjoy about IMDB, mature adults can disagree.

I don't know where you get that James Nesbitt is embarrassed in the extreme either. Was that from an interview or somewhere? I would be keen to read what he said if he did.

I am hopeful that I am not abused for having a different take on the film.

Oh, and on another note, I found James nesbitt to have given a good performance with the script that he had. I was disappointed by the ending, it had huge holes and seemed rushed.


Not sure why everyone is getting worked up about an off-screen occurrence that isn't really a centre-piece within itself, to this fairly ordinary, unlikely in the extreme, conspiracy story.🐭
