MovieChat Forums > Under One Roof (2008) Discussion > Spike Lee Has It Right in Bamboozled

Spike Lee Has It Right in Bamboozled

In Bamboozled he shows Blacks lined up around the corner to audition for a part as an Alabammy Porch Monkey. When I stumbled on this show the other night, I thought that it was a spoof in an In Living Color type show. But, the offensive "skit" went on and on, until I realized that this was an actual sit-com that had made it pass the pitching stage. Can Chuck D even look Flav in the face? Flava of Love was bad enough, but this show is true minstrelsy.


"in living color" type show. nah man you are getting way ahead of yourself.


don't know what you mean about my "getting way ahead" of myself. care to explain?


because you think it like "in living color" when it not.


You misinterpreted me. The In Living Color skits are so outlandish and so over-the-top that it is impossible NOT to know that they are spoofs. Because it is so outlandish, I did not think Under One Roof was like In Living Color; I thought it was a skit in a show like In Living Color. Hope that's clearer for you.



It's been a while since I've seen both, but I remember something along those lines in "Bamboozled" as well.

Oh stewardess...I speak jive.


yo gospel, chappelle made fun of racial stereotypes and the reason he quit the show is when he realized that maybe it got to point where he actually was enforcing them. comparing a comedic genius such as dave to this sh!t is totally uncalled for.

Come to the board for Jon Vitti!


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LoL! I don't care HOW MUCH people do these type shows, I STILL LOVE IT, even after all these years! Why? -- It's because YOU have THE RIGHT (actually the responsibility) to tell YO' kids, YOURSELF even, and anyone else, that it's just foolery; that's it. Then you direct a new path through example.

If you want to take other peoples' lives personally (and I mean tv/movie characters) that's a product of your lack of focus for direction -- it's your lack of ability to step up and teach your own -- counting on the world 'round you to do it FOR YOU; sorry, there's just no excuse for that. If this continual showing of these type shows is not the WAKE UP CALL for people to stop themselves in their own tracks, pick up where they are supposed to and teach theirs be it.

That enemy you're all talking about is not going to stop. And why? It's because there are differences in views that are not going to change overall -- somewhere, my friends, they WILL EXIST, which is why you look at BOTH SIDES (yes, yours AND the other) and effectively direct the flow that you work through -- again -- by example. You master the game this way; it doesn't matter the "color of the viewer outside of you." You're either going to step up, or continue to be your own worst enemy...BY arguably PLAYING the role of the victimized, therefore contributing to your own victimization.

Shows like Under One Roof are not -- nor supposed to be -- a pathway to salvation of direction in people (shrugs).

Like NIKE said -- "JUST DO IT"

