So cringy

Interesting premise, terrible execution. The 3 hosts are so annoying with their cringy jokes.

The SJW agenda was obvious.

The human biases episode has some very dishonest bits:

They mention a study where white kids picked white dolls over other races and jump to the conclusion that whites are racists (of course!). Except similar studies have shown again and again that kids and babies of any race display in-group bias, not only the whites.

On the woman vs man doctor bias, when the group is asked who earns more, they voted for the man. The show concludes that this is proof there is still a gender pay gap . Maybe people voted like that because they are told repeatedly there is a pay gap? It doesn't prove anything.

On the shooting exercise where a black and white man pop up holding a cell phone . The black man holds his phone like a gun and wears a dark red shirt which make the phone harder to see. While the white man wears lighter green shirt and holds his phone with one hand in a way that makes it really easy to spot.


I'm watching this with my girlfriend. I can't stand when they shoehorn SJW agenda into movies and tv shows, but she usually doesn't find it as distasteful as I do. This time though, she's the one asking why the hell we are still watching it.

The show is entertaining enough, but it's a bit scary if people actually believe the "science" of the show. The educational value of this show is lacking to say the least.
