Animal cruelty

I really don't get it that some movies contain images of animals getting hurt or even murdered. This is not necessary for the story or the vibe. This really bothered me. I am not a vegan or anything, but I really don’t think there should be animal cruelty in any movie. It has no value in my opinion.
Besides that I loved the scenery and the dark and melancholic vibe.


I agree with you. I found it very unpleasant in this movie...

It did hurt my sensibility the following images of 'Wuthering Heights':
1. Killing rabbits,
2. Hanging dogs,
3. Plucking ducks,

The movie is awful. The cruelty towards animals (shown in the movie) was even worse...


Oh please; you found it too "cruel and unpleasant?" What do you think life on the moors, circa the 1700's was like? They killed rabbits, and skinned them with their hands. They de-feathered ducks too, after beheading them. And dogs back then were less pets than functioning watch dogs and hunting dogs. All of this was necessary to accurately portray the harsh and unforgiving world that these people existed in. I'm actually glad that they chose to film it realistically, with natural light instead of false light; natural sounds of nature instead of an orchestral score, like Hollywood would have done. And Hollywood has done that to this novel, many times. Believe me, as someone who has read the novel; the mood and tone of the book wasn't hearts and flowers and bodice ripping; it was THIS, the way it is filmed here. It is a cruel and cold book, filled with very cruel people. Therefore a "nice" version of "Wuthering Heights" would be ridiculous.

Fabio Testi is GOD


I agree, waaaay too many dead bunnies, and the sheep was just gruesome. Yes it's shocking and in keeping with the story , but don't we get that from the hideous cruelty the humans are inflicting on each-other? Also, the Hareton dog hanging scene was completely misinterpreted. Being that Hareton ultimately grew into a noble fellow, I believe When Emily Bronte says he "was hanging a litter of puppies from a chair-back in the doorway" She was not trying to portray him as a murdering little sociopath, but rather to illustrate the beginnings of such behavior in careless actions, careless actions going unheeded and reprimanded by the ADULTS in charge, the real sociopaths. Draping puppies over a chair is not the same as hanging them from a branch like a bird feeder. It's difficult to process all the violence begets violence stuff without the second half, I can understand why some people are left baffled, Particularly if they've not read the book.Despite, I personally think this one was just a few missteps from being a masterpiece. Why does something ALWAYS go awry?


I've read the book and I love it, but this movie was one of the worst movies I've seen in a couple of years.

There was a lot of animal cruelty that didn't give any additional information to the story, it was nonsense animal cruelty... These scenes were very unpleasant, it made me feel very bad about the poor animals been wildly killed...


I agree. I'm a big fan of the book and i was very displeased to watch the animal cruelty scenes of this movie. Tbh by the time of the puppy hanging i was one step away from turning it off. I'm glad i didn't spend money watching it in the theatres. I don't have problems with animal or human violence in movies but only if it's fake. This kind of exploitation though makes me sick.

Don't dream it: be it!


So the animal violence in this film was all real? Nothing was simulated?


There are four scenes involving live animals, with a sheep's throat being cut, a rabbit's neck being broken and two dogs seen hanging from their collars from a fence and a branch, implying that they are left to die. Assurances have been provided by the production company explaining in detail how these scenes were filmed, including detail of special effects employed, so as not to harm any of the animals involved.


Thank you for your reply. I actually found that blurb myself by doing some digging before seeing the movie last week. Great film.


Well, golly. I often stayed on my great grandfather's farm when I was a child. You don't have animals for pets--cows, pigs, chickens are kept for food. The dogs are working dogs; they earn their keep or they are useless.

The animal viciousness and cruelty was written by the author to echo the kind of cruelty among the people. I don't believe the author was indulging in gratuitous violence, nor the director of the film. It was meant to make you feel uncomfortable about what was going on in their world.


I'm sure those scenes were filmed in such a way that no harm was brought to the animals involved. They would be in massive trouble if they weren't. I find it strange that so many people here are saying they love the book, but, were repulsed by the scenes of animal cruelty in the film. Animal cruelty is so prevalent in WH. So, is it perfectly acceptable to read about, but, too much to actually see? I actually thought the last scene with Hareton hanging the puppies was quite powerful, it showed the learned behaviours that occur in a cycle of abuse. Of course we know ultimately Hareton is able to break that cycle and forgive past wrong doings and is rewarded for doing so by getting his happy ending. But, I thought it was a well thought out visual representation of one of the novel's key themes.


There are dog trainers who still "hang" dogs today. They do so, they say, to assert their dominance over the dog. They hang them until they just about pass out, then release them. The dog is supposedly so grateful that he lets the master control him from then on.

I think that's a bunch of BS of course, but there are people who do that.


More like the dog is so terrified that they would dare not disobey their masters.

The protagonist in the movie, Heathcliff, suffered the same abuse from Cathy's brother. But rather than becoming better than his abusers he learned to be just as ruthless and uncaring as they were, hanging dogs by their collars, butchering sheep, ruining people's lives, and marrying a girl he didn't love just to make Cathy jealous.


The only thing I wasn't crazy about was the stuff with dogs. But, everything else was appropriate. If they actually did that, yeah, that's taking it too far, but, I am pretty sure it was faked.

I'm superstitious. Before I start a new movie, I kill a hobo with a hammer-Gwyneth Paltrow


Urgh, not sure if I'd be able to stomach watching this then.


The treatment of the dogs is sickening, and to see it the next generation was sad. As a previous poster said, violence is taught.

If we can save humanity, we become the caretakers of the world

