Moments that made you cry?

What are some times that made you cry during the show?


Ricky sitting alone with John at the end was really sad.


When Adrian and Ben lost the baby. It was sooo emotional!


I agree, losing the baby was a major tear-jerker.

I love trolls, they taste like chicken.


^This. And when Ben flips out on Adrian after she takes the baby's room apart without him.


Nothing made me cry because every single character in the show is a complete idiot and they deserve everything horrible that happened to them.


Nobody deserves a miscarriage.


Fictional characters aren't actually real


When Ricky dropped Nora off at prison in season 3 and when Ashley asked Anne to go to the mother daughter dance with her in season 2. That's it.

The miscarriage was sad but I could not take it seriously because the acting was just so atrocious. Adrian and Ben's dad were the only ones to show any believable emotion. The rest were like a bad joke.




There were only two moments that made me sad enough to weep:

1. When Adrian lost the baby.

2. When Ben told Amy at school that he felt responsible for the baby's death because he had a moment of weakness before marrying Adrian.


I've only ever cried for a TV show twice and this show wasn't one of them, but one moment where I had a very strong reaction was the scene where Adrian slides down the door after Ricky leaves. It resonated with me: the loneliness, the pain, the frustration. I remember that moment so vividly.

{Look at me and mah clevah nicksies.}


The only time in this entire series where I cried was when Adrian lost her baby. The first time I saw that episode I cried with her. I haven't had any children yet, but I can only imagine the pain she felt. I even cried the second time I watched the series.

I didn't cry at this scene, but it was incredibly sad, when Ben was screaming at Adrian for taking everything out of the nursery. I don't think Adrian should have done it without consulting Ben first. I don't like Ben at all, or the guy who plays him (acting wasn't great), but you could tell he was in pain. But he said some things to Adrian that were out of line. I also think the scene where Adrian is sitting in the empty nursery with a towel wrapped around her hand and holes all over the walls was sad.
