Was this show cancelled?

I just finished watching the s5 finale and it left so many questions..I keep having a 'WTF' moment. No one really ended up happy except Adrien who left with Omar and I guess grace cuz now she's free lol. But Amy never answered Ricki's question if she was still in love with Ben (even tho we all know the answer is yes which is prolly why she was always so mean to him in the end) and what about Ethan and Kathy..
If it was cancelled u think they would have got a heads up so they can at least end it good and not with multiple cliffhangers.


It was and the sad thing is the creator DID have advance notice and CHOSE to end it this way.

The world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters.


Ya maybe he had high hopes that if he ended it with cliffhangers it wouldn't get cancelled.


I'm only midway through S3, but I'm bummed to hear it doesn't get wrapped up well. Let's hope they do a better job when they end Switched at Birth after next season.


I just discovered Secret Life several weeks ago one night when I was bored and looking for something to watch. I had read that it ended badly after i'd watched several episodes and I don't know if I would have continued to watch it if I hadn't seen there was info about what happens after out there. It's so bad but really addictive. I did find myself after a while editing in my head what was being said on screen. You would think though knowing that it was ending the writer would have tied it up somehow. This really had the potential to be a good TV show (in a good way) if somebody had exercised some quality control with the scripts.
Really had mixed feelings about the last episode well the whole show really lol.


Brenda Hampton did an interview on what happened after the show ended"

