Weird dialogue

Wife loves this show so dropping in now and again. At season 5. However something really weird is how the conversations go. It's eeLly strange. Example.
First person. I think I should tell amy about Ricky. Second person. I don't think you should tell Amy about Ricky. Why do you think you should tell Amy about Ricky? First person. Well I think I should tell Amy about Ricky.

Wouldn't someone say instead.

First person. I think you should tell Amy about Ricky. Second person. Oh why? Much easier!

It happens all the time. Dialogue is just bounced back and forth the same line repeated 4 times minimum. Coupled usually with Ricky bobbing his head !

Any one notice this and care to comment?


Yeah, it's clunky. It's like Brenda Hampton had never heard of pronouns.

The world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters.


This is the emotionally immature writer's signature style, it's lazy and juvenile.
