Ricky and Amy

Amy kept telling Ricky over and over and that she wanted to marry Ricky. She practically badgered him into proposing to her so he asked her to marry him during his Valedictorian speech. Then almost after she gets her way, then she turns around and doesn't want to marry him. I mean they almost eloped but that minister or whomever he was pretty crazy so I can see why neither one of them wanted to let that nut job marry them. She keeps telling Ricky she wants to marry him but then all of sudden she decides she wants to marry him but go off to college in NY. Then in the season finale, they don't marry and she abandons Ricky and her son to go off to college in NY. I am sure there were plenty of good colleges she could have gone to near Ricky and John. Heck even Ricky's school would have been a good college. I am glad they didn't get married because I think Ricky deserves much better than the selfish brat whose favorite expression is, "I want what I want". She never cared about what Ricky or John wanted. She never is willing compromise. Sometimes in a relationship, you compromise, sometimes you get what you want, or sometimes the other person gets what they want sometimes. In a real relationship, there is give and take but Amy wants to do all the taking and never do any giving. Ricky goes to school, works, takes John to daycare and picks him, cooks dinner, and cleans the apartment. Amy goes to school, gets free daycare, free apartment, has a man who takes care of everything so she doesn't have to lift a finger, and she's still not happy. She just abandons her three year old son and the man who loves an wanted to marry and takes off for NY. It was all about her, her needs, and her wants.

I can just imagine the fit she would throw if she ever comes back from NY someday and finds Ricky married to a good woman who treats him right, and John adores Ricky's wife and shuns Amy because she abandoned him when she could have stayed with her son and gone to college near him.

When you become a parent, your child has to become more important than your own selfish desires. You make sacrifices and you stay with your child and raise him or her. That child needs and deserves to grow up with parents who are there for them, loves them, takes care of them, and offers them a sense of stability. John will growing up wondering why he wasn't good enough for him mom to say and will think it is his fault him mom took off and abandoned him and his dad.


Amy should also tell people not to make 7 or 8 threads on the same damn topic with long sentences.

You're the garbage man No I just take out the trash


I absolutely agree. Amy is the most selfish person on this show. She completely abandoned her son. And let's not forget that Ricky asked her MULTIPLE times if she wanted to get married and she said yes but then the day BEFORE THE WEDDING she changes her mind? wth
