MovieChat Forums > Gladiators (2008) Discussion > Who do you think replaces Wolfman?

Who do you think replaces Wolfman?

Wolfman was always my favorite from the old series, but who do you think replaces him??

I have no idea... yet...

"3..2..1..<WHISTLE>" - Referee, Gladiators, 2008, UK


No-one, he doesn't need a replacement. They'll all have their own new characters, some of which may border across old Gladiators, but will all ultimately be new.




Yup, Oblivion is more or less the new generation's take on Wolf.

I think a lot of the new glads all have a similar attitude. I do hope for the sake of the reputation of classic Gladiators that atleast SOME of the gladiators act like they have nice personalities throughout the show. They shouldn't all act like badasses. Consider Cobra, Trojan, Jet, Lightning.. ect. All came across as nice people on TV.



Well Spartan seems to be up for a laugh, and tempest or whatever you call her only said nice things in the interview. I havn't seen anyone attempt to talk to Atlas yet, though I think he only knows 2 words, food and yes.

I eat Lions


I think Oblivion is meant to be the new Wolf. I think the others should be nicer like in the old series.

Destroyer had got to be the new Shadow or Rhino

Panther has a Nightshade strength quality

Sparten's the new Trojan

Atlas the new Hunter

Tempest is sexy and likeable like Jet

Ice could be a new Lightning


I agree, he does seem to be trying to pull off that kind of persona (although most of the others seem to be trying the same thing at the moment!). He's more of a Wolfpup than a proper Wolf so far, though... ;^^


"The captain has NO need for biscuits!"
Bleeder and proud!



Tornado's been attempting to act badass and cocky throughout, atleast its a unique persona instead of Oblivion trying to be like Wolf etc.

I eat Lions
