The Travelator ??

Omg it is WAAAYYYY slower than the original one, and it is shorter too

That was one of the greatest things about the old gladiators, the way how like 40% of the time the contender couldnt get up the travelator at the end

But now u can just see it is going waaaay slower and it is a bit shorter too

Also the whole eliminator is worse now anyway

The swimming at the start i actually kinda like, plus the pyramid

But that new thing were they hold onto a big giant rolling thing and they always fall of it straight away ??? whats the point ?? for one, they never stay on it, and two there is no point of staying on anyway because there is no penalty for falling off and its quicker to fall off

P.S. They robbed that off Ninja Warrior

Fear can hold you prisoner....... Hope can set you free


The Travelator IS longer than the old one, however it isn't as steep. And as for that statistic about how contenders couldn't even get up the travelator "40% of the time", I think that's preposterous. Contenders made it up the old travelator much more often than not, I'd say it was about 20/30% of the time. Furthermore, there have been but 3 episodes of new gladiators, and in that time in 2/3 of the episodes, somebody has failed to get up it on a first attempt.

I do agree about the roller things on the eliminator though. Pointless obstacle. Though in fact they are suppose to fall off it straight away. The roller builds up their momentum at the start and that sends them tumbling down the netting at speed. I'm sure it's all about technique, but all the same, it's not a very interesting part of the course.



I watched the 'Eunice' episode of Gladiators before this one on challenge and the travelator is visibly faster in the original. And seeing how the increased length but decreased incline cancel each other out in all probability, I'd say the travelator is now easier.
And you are definately not supposed to stay on that roller, have you seen what's at the end? The roller ends up being stopped by flinging upwards, throwing anybody who was on it off and forwards, right into the metal support beams on the floor to help them up off the netting.
So I think the roller is pretty pointless too.

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