Attitude problems

There is nothing wrong with a bit of panto and everyone likes a good baddie, just like the Wolfman. Oblivion was just trying waaaay too hard to be the Wolfs replacement. All the other Gladiators were the same - trying to be bad@ss - no smililng, just posing and trying to look intimidating. This had the adverse effect and made them look a bit daft.

Especially Tornado - after the Pyramid event he kept saying what a wimp one of the contenders was. The guy went to shake his hand and he just brushed it away. It wasn't intimidating or entertaining - just arrogant.

Only new Gladiator that showed a bit of promise in my opinion was Spartan. Beat the two contenders in the duel very quickly and did it with a smile on his face.

"You lost today kid....but it doesn't mean you have to like it."


Spartan sucked at the Duel

Watch his 2 duels and then watch ANY of the old gladiators duels and you will see a huge difference, he only won because the contenders sucked too

Fear can hold you prisoner....... Hope can set you free


Yeahh i just watched. But they need to act cocky, they were told to be serious. But that was just the first episode, maybe their real personalities will come through soon because that was just all an act.

My faves are Oblivion(despite what everyone says lol), Panther( because she's strong) and Tempest.

Last Movies Seen:
Step Up 2: 9.5/10
30 Days Of Night 3/10
Forgetting Sarah Marshall: 9/10


I agree with madman, that sounded bad, characters and personalities take time and I'm sure over the course of the show at least some good banter will come from the Gladiators attempts.

I eat Lions


are you sure about that? overtime it could easily just turn in to a pathetic attempt to revive a classic tv programme with wannabes who try and act street tough all the time...

(H)Astila Vista Baby


Angry Elf, you are wrong. He knocked them off balance and down they went. I've seen far worse duels in the classic series.

In fairness, you can't say that he sucked until we've seen him for more than a couple of seconds, surely it's unfair to judge him after only two, very short, duelling matches?


I agree about the attitudes. I don't like how the classic, grinning Glads of the past have been replaced by smug, arrogant ones.

Before, if the likes of Lightning lost (somehow!), she would always smile, and congratulate the contender for a great effort. It looks just now that if any of the new Glads lost, they'd say "You got lucky! You're pathtic! I'm number one!" ect. I don't like it! The male Glads have got to appear more human. Right now, as you have said, they look like they're trying too hard to be intimidating. SMILE for god's sake!




spartan was terrible ..... at one time the contender and him were just standing there not even hitting eachother ...... not to mention his terrible balance (did u see his feet ??)

Plus, that thing he does when he wins annoys the *beep* outta me !!! He does it every *beep* time !!!!!!!

Fear can hold you prisoner....... Hope can set you free


Okay, watching the event now.

First - two hits, contestant off. A little bit of foot movement, but that's natural.

Second - few hits, contestant off. Barely any foot movement.

Celebration is nothing compared to the victory rolls of Jet and Lightning, or the show boating of that loathsome 2 Scoops.

Seriously... what on earth were you watching?!


Yeah I think more should be friendly actually. i can understand the appeal being that they are the people to beat, but nothing wrong with good role models, and the show will be a lot more popular if some of them are more personable.


okay meltwiththestars,

did u see how weak spartan was ......... face it he *beep* sucked

and 2 scoops was a contender not a gladiator

i bet ur just a little 12 year old who has only seen the old gladiators on re-runs

the new one is so fake and rehearsed ....... did u hear oblivions comments ???? something about the o-zone or w/e ......... WTF ??

Fear can hold you prisoner....... Hope can set you free


I'm 19. Granted, the first few series I barely remember, owing to the fact I was four when it began, but from 95 onwards it's basically clear as a whistle.

You can't judge how weak he is or is not BECAUSE HE WAS ONLY ON THE PLATFORM FOR FIVE SECONDS EACH TIME BEFORE HE WON EACH TIME. Duel isn't only about pure strength you know, as proved by Shadow not winning every time.

And I know 2 Scoops was a contestant but he was bloody irritating and showboated so much I actually wanted to smack him.

Really mate, no need for petty insults because I happen to disagree with you. Can't we just agree to disagree?


Ok agree to disagree

And i also disagree about 2 scoops ......... i loved that guy lol that liverpudlian Eunice was great too :)

Fear can hold you prisoner....... Hope can set you free


Eunice was brilliant, love her! But 2 Scoops just irritated me, he was a great sportsman but he KNEW it, if you get me. But oh well (:


Technically 2 Scoops was a Gladiator. He won the American Gladiators, which meant he could go on to be Gladiator in the following seasons of AG. He competed in the International tournaments as a contender. Nonetheless, the guy never lost and beat everyone there was to beat, so his cockyness/showboating was justified.


Shadow was invincible on Duel. He won everytime and only lost once. He only had a few draws.


I'd of beat him with mind games;
Me: I know your taking steroids
Shadow: Wait, how'd you-
Me: Hehehe

I eat Lions
