MovieChat Forums > Gladiators (2008) Discussion > The Eliminator is broken...

The Eliminator is broken...

In the last two weeks the strongest contestants lost due to the penalty on the hand bikes/monk. Two weeks ago the guy was miles in front, fell off a foot from the end and they still gave in a 15 second penalty (meaning he lost about 30 second off his time total) meaning the useless guy won. This week the weakest girl falls at the first bar, all she has to do is take 10 seconds out and she's suddenly done the section whilst the opponent struggles along it in about 15 seconds. If she just fell off at the start like her rival she probably would of took it. In short the penalty isn't anywhere near enough if they fall early on and it's too harsh if they struggle through the obstacle but fall at the end, in shot it's broken. Also I had to laugh at the same weak woman's pathetic upper body strength in hang tough.

Also I need to ask:

Is Inferno the simply for eye candy? I mean she's not on screen enough to be appreciated if that's the case. She needs to be an event where she's not decked out in padding or in a steel ball.

Is Tornado aware of how camp he sounds? I mean he pulls off a pretty impressive move on hang tough, then has to ruin it by trying to sound hard and threatening when he obviously can't given he sounds like a 12 year old gay Ghetto boy.

On the same note why are there so many bad gladiators? All the need is Enigma as the intimidating female seeing as she's solid at all her events (needs to lose the chav hair though) and Destroyer for the guys seeing as he's both huge and hilariously badass "I am laughing!" I'm really disappointed that Atlus isn't being a goody goody, looks like Spartan's the only one trying to fill the role and maybe Tempest...


"all she has to do is take 10 seconds out and she's suddenly done the section whilst the opponent struggles along it in about 15 seconds"

Thats what I was thinking. If I did the eliminator id just fall of the monkey bars at the beginning. Take 10 seconds to get your breath back and save energy from the bars. Then go for it and win. They need to re-think the penalty seconds!

I also agree that there are too many bad gladiators. One is suffient enough (maybe just Oblivion). Wolf was bad on the old series but he was very pantomime and tongue-in-cheek. These ones just come off arrogant. The show would definitly be more appealing if there were more nicer Gladiators.


I agree with the Tornado thing ........... he did absolutely fantastic at the Hang Tough, one of the best ive ever seen, but then had to ruin it with a cheesy, fake bad-ass attitude in his lame accent

Fear can hold you prisoner....... Hope can set you free


He's got good timing and reach with his legs, and even when he was out-limbed and half a stone lighter than this weeks bloke he managed to manouvre around the guy and get in close. Very good at hang tough, very bad at panto.

I eat Lions


Has any body noticed how slow the travelator is? I've been watching re-runs from the 90's and the competetors normally fall down it because they don't have enough energy and have to wait before they go for it again. That's what made the competition more exciting!! But they all just jog up it now...


one of the women last night was pwer walking up it. Which shows how weaker it s than the old one.

also it is faster for the man. if only slightly


The best way to fix the eliminator, is to take away the time penalty all together. If you fall off a particular part, say the monkey bars for instance, then you should just have to go back to the beginning of the monkey bars (or whatever part you were on) and do them again.

I'm not really me. Thats me there- that pile of albino mouse droppings!


in the old ones only Wolf was bad. it meant that you either loved him or hated him and that made it fun and debatable with people. Now nearly all (atlas and battleaxe apart) are just arrogant and sound stupid. Warrior, Scorpio, Trojan, shadow were all competitive but would always accept defeat with a gracious manner. When these gladiators lose they say it was "lucky", "fluke".

To be honest the show is rubbish. If i didn't like the game side of it i wouldn't watch it.
