
Why does Inferno not do many of the events? All she seems to do is The Gauntlet and Hit and Run which are just the big team gladiator events. It would be cool to see her on events like Earthquake, Powerball, Hang Tough, Pyramid, The Wall etc. and she even said in an interview she was a wrestler so most of those would be right up her alley. I think shes also got a big male following so cant see why they dont use her more! Need more Inferno!!

Most of the events always have the same gladiators and its getting a bit boring, such as Panther and Spartan, they may be best at Duel but why not give another gladiator a go to make it more interesting, hope they change that in the future if it gets a second series.


She's terrible, c'mon shes only a Gladiator for 1 reason her looks, ok perhaps 2 reasons, 2 big reasons.


Itd be nice to actually see how she does in an event on her own, we have no idea at this point how she'd do



She’s got the physique and apparently she’s a professional wrestler. But her performance in the group events is rather piteous. People never have any trouble getting past her on Gauntlet and she barely seems to make contact in Power Ball. I expected her to be my favourite at that start of the series, but now I’m wondering if there shouldn’t be a more deserving athlete in her place.

Why do people so frequently get told to "read the book" on a movie database?
