MovieChat Forums > TiMER (2010) Discussion > The TiMER is MUCH bigger "technology" th...

The TiMER is MUCH bigger "technology" than the movie makes it seem...

What I just realized is crazy, is that the TiMER doesn't just identify your soul-mate, it predicts the future! And it totally has "big brother is always watching you" qualities as well.

The movie doesn't really delve into this, but when you think about it, the TiMER does much more than tell you who your soul-mate is and when you'll meet them. For it to be able to give you a countdown means that it knows the whole future! This is serious time-travel and mind control technology. Steph's timer for example says she'll meet "the one" in 5000 days. That means the TiMER knows where Steph and her significant other (as well as the rest of the world) will be on any given day and what they'll do on that day (and every other day). Think about it, for this technology to be so accurate means that it knows what people's actions in the future will be (so that they'll be able to meet on the set date).

While the movie makes it seem like just a cool gadget, the TiMER is much scarier than just advanced technology when you think about it. It seems to be something more God-like rather than a popular device like a smartphone. It knows everything about everyone in the past, present and future. Pretty creepy.

Of course, the other explanation is that is works like and people just believe in this device so much and are raised around it that it has a hard-core placebo effect and ends up working because of the self-fulfilling prophecy.



Well it's not specific to the second, minute or hour, it's "just" the day. But still, it's pretty awesome technology. They explain in the beginning it has just something to do with some sort of gene or something like that, but I too thought about this device predicting the future.
