Learn to take criticism

This is strictly amateur night folks and the only reason I'm actually taking the time to "troll" the forums, so to speak is that I find it utterly reprehensible when people involved in a film personally go onto the IMDB and automatically give said film a ten star rating to try and boost sales.

I'm part of the film industry and have actually been involved in the production of four low budget films from shooting to editing and producing. Sometimes when control falls out of your hands things go awry and the results are mixed at best.

The films shall remain nameless but my ratings range from 2-6 for my films and I was directly involved in the production of the films in some way or another. Due to the fact that some of these films turned out so badly I realised it was time to take creative control into my own hands - but even then I honestly won't bring myself to give something a good review dishonestly.

But I digress - back to this piece of dog doo doo. I originally posted a somewhat negative two star review and that review was instantly pulled as being offensive - there wasn't a single swear word - no plot (and I use the term loosely) points were given away and I justified everything I said with evidence from the film.

Clearly this bunch have form a little impenetrable facebook cult of sorts and refuse to take any form of genuinely contstructive criticism of any kind from anybody. I think this is a very immature approach towards film-making because all you're doing is blowing smoke up your own behind and you're never going to grow.

My reasons for panning this film - bad acting, bad direction, bad scripting, bad sound, bad soundtrack, cheap gore, inane plot, no scares, no thrills and NO FUN.

I think that ticks just about every box you can possibly tick for a BAD film - but this films biggest crime is that it's boring. And before one of the trolls defending the film jump down my throat let it be said that is merely my opinion and I'm certainly not forcing it down anyone else's throat.


Just my twenty cents worth :)



Well said. I feel like IMDB should audit this type of activity. Most of the positive reviews by "users" have only posted one review...and it's about this movie. They felt so moved by this movie, often times saying it's the best horror movie ever...many times saying that in fact, that after watching this movie you wonder who on earth would think this is even a good movie.
Bad? No. But the hype behind it killed it and even minus the hype...it's a standard by the book slasher film that follows Halloween, Friday the 13th and other classics step by step.
This is an unethical way to present your film folks. If your movie is okay then let it slide. Show some enthusiasm but for God's sake, don't sell us a Hundai and tell us it's a time traveling Mercedes.
Bunnyman's film makers did the same thing. Bunnyman is a far worse movie, but there's the film makers hiding among us regular users promoting it as the next big bad slasher movie.
It's sickening.


Even Bunnyman put this to shame.



I can't go that far. Bunnyman is an exercise in stupidity...from the characters to us folks who watched the whole movie. There are NO redeeming values to Bunnyman.


And what exactly are the redeeming values found in The Orphan Killer? I saw none.

