When he saw the 7..

I was familiar with the red-green colorblindness test.. But I watched this with my family and I definitely saw the 7 on the third card, but my family did not. And julienne moore seemed suprise and asked if rhys myers wore contacts. What does seeing the 7 mean? Is this a visual condition or whatever? I'm sorry to be so interested in a small detail but I know someone has to know!


some people can't are the 7. i couldn't


Me either.


I could see the 7, but I am not colorblind, I just thought everyone could see it.


He could see it because he was colorblind. With the other cards he could pretend he couldn't see the number, but he couldn't pretend to see the 7, that's why she was confused and asking about contacts.

"My name is Pumpkin_Masher and I approve this message."


She should be surprised. It's just a common test given to see if you're color blind. Either you can see the 7, or you can't. David couldn't see it, but Adam could. Even if they are different personalities, they still have the same eyes. There should be no change in that particular test.

That's why she asked Charles whether it was possible if someone could be color blind in one eye.


Ah, but it do get really weird when you start reading about physiological changes in multiples...they can have different vision (one needs glasses, one doesn't), different blood pressures, different diseases (one diabetes, one not), etc etc. Stuff that seems completely impossible but happens anyway. Very, very strange.
The mind does far more than it oughta be able....far as we know


SO true. This is an incredible phenomenon. Many people with personality disorders have varying physiological changes. The "personality" is convinced it needs glasses, has high blood pressure, or whatever and actually manifests that condition in the physical form. Science has been baffled for decades. The mind is definitely the most powerful tool we possess.


I know, it's just mind-boggling, how powerful the mind is. And sooooo cool! Some of the papers I've read about it just made my jaw drop.

Now if I could only learn how to make my mind take over & wipe out my stupid chronic pain issues. Maybe I can develop the latest onset case of MPD in history....!


You can either see the 7 or not. But it wasn't the personalities - it was like their actual souls which are inside the "carrier". So whilst one guy can see the 7, the other can't. Much like one was in a wheelchair and the other wasn't.

To the OP - go get checked for colour blindness. Just in case.


You may want to get checked for color blindness. There is another type besides the red/green.


Somehow I don't think anyone is answering the OP's question. From the explanation others have given I understand the significance of the test but is that a real test? And if it is a real test, how does it work?

When I saw the card is had green circles on it; then when she puts the red filter over it you can see the 7 and you can see the dark circles on the card even though they are not green because of the filter. Why don't I see any circles within the boundaries of the numeral 7? how can the clearly green circles disappear under a red filter? Was that just faked by the movie makers?


Thank you for clarifying my question!


Yes it is a real test.
I think the totally green card (the last one with the 7) is a reverse colur blind test card. So only someone who is colourblind can see what it says. People with normal vision can't see anything but green dots. http://i.imgur.com/OCoXkDe.jpg - this picture has a word The word is NO and supposedly only those with red/green colourblindness can read it.

So then when she adds the red filter, it is enabling us (non colourblind) to see what he sees (colourblind).

As to why the dots vanish totally though, I have no idea. I can't find that online. All other colour blind tests have the dots a different colour (or various colours).
Either it is done to show clearly that he identifies 7, OR it could be that the hue of the green circles that make the 7 are such that the red filter overpowers them and fades them out. I don't have any filters to test it out with an online reverse colour blind test though.

http://www.archimedes-lab.org/colorblindnesstest.html - that is where I found the reverse colour blind picture..although it is not just with green dots as in the film. But works on the same principle of a colour blind person seeing a number or word



I always thought she asked about the contacts because his eye color changed. It's hard to notice between Adam and David (one has a brighter shade of blue), but his eye color changes with each personality. I think he knows it, too, because, when she asks him about the contacts, he answers back with "No, my eyes are always this color".


Idk I did not see any number at all. In any cards lol.


this turned out to be a very interesting thread

~ TAKE the ticket!
