re: Bears in the movie

Grizzly bears are NOT native to the Trail, so I was wondering why trained black bears were not used instead.


I don't think there were even bears in the book. Despite the fact there is one on the cover. This seems to be a very loose adaption though,


He mentions bear attack stories and fears in the book, so this could be one of those.

Also, I consulted a biologist, who grew up in the Southern Appalachians, in the middle of a National Forest, seeing black bears frequently and at close range during that time, and he confirms that yes those are indeed black bears in the trailer.


Those are black bears in the movie. The Bryson character is consulting his guide book about what to do about bears, and he realizes that he is looking at the section for the wrong (RE: Grizzly) kind of bear, and goes to the right section.

It's only a flesh wound.


The simple way to tell the difference is to climb a tree. If it climbs up and eats you it's a black bear but if it knocks it over and eats you it's a grizzly.


LOVE it!
