Redford needs to go away

I can't stand this turd Redford. Know it all arrogant leftist douche that no one cares about!


He is a big fan of you as well!

Its that man again!!


Here's how he can go away for YOU. Quit watching his movies. The end.

They're, their, there. They're different. Trust me on this.


Leave your prejudices at the door when going to see a movie. You're projecting your views. Just enjoy a movie for what it is


Yeah, we need more retarded Fox News morons in movies talking about the need for drilling and how global warming is a myth lol


Why don't you sell your car. Shut off the a/c to your apartment. You loser hypocrite.


Ever heard of electric cars? Fans? Get up so I can knock you down again 😁


You are an idiot


Amazing comeback😜


really, is that what they feed you in America?. Unfortunately most Americans take everything at face value and believe all that they are told and read (if they even do read). No wonder Americans are all a bit stupid.


Aren't you just the cutest little American basher on IMDB! Whatever would we do without your witty, sarcastic, puerile, snobbish, and totally lame japery.


79 years old - that's wise man age. Jesus H. Considering your response, I don't think you're any older than 30 at best, not even that.


You care. You care enough to post the comments you posted.

If he goes away, will you have nothing to complain about? I doubt it. You will always have something to complain about since that is what you do.


Why don't you just go away?


I was going to say that, then I saw that I already posted a reply. Is a troll someone that posts negative comments just to make trouble? If this is an example of a troll then all trolls need to go away.


Nothing I can say could even begin to do a better job of illustrating the absence of any organ which would normally be found between your ears.


That's probably too vague for armoredtanker to understand.
