MovieChat Forums > A Walk in the Woods (2015) Discussion > They didnt bring a knive, gps or cellpho...

They didnt bring a knive, gps or cellphones/satelitephone?

That was the stupist thing. Just like in All is lost, stupid decisions


The reason he hiked it in the first place is to get away from all that.

But The AT is not like the middle of the ocean. There are tens of thousands of hikers that also hike it. If you watched the movie you would have noticed that every time they got into a pickle another hiker happened along within a few minutes or hours. It also is rarely more than a few miles from a road or a town.

That's not to say there aren't some difficult and isolated stretches but there are always hikers coming along, especially in the warmer months they were hiking.


The real hicking happened in late 90´s when today modern smarthphones/gps were not available, the film happens in our times but if this is based in a true story they should have stuck to the era, about 20 years ago...


And the duo should have been in their 40s as the real life duo were.


People do that in real life. So very believable. Everyone makes mistakes, even you


. . . plus, I think they were making a point of taking on such a challenge with virtually no experience.

Besides. I doubt there are many remote places that get a signal . . .

I can't (and no one can) get a
signal, or only choppy signal on nice highways for 20 to 25 miles out of my town . . . and this is 2016.

'If you can look at a map and read a sign - you can go all over the world.


You my friend are correct !! Seems like everyone has forgotten about a MAP !! I hear it atleast Twice a WEEK around my area(I-75 near Ocala FL), People are always asking how to get here or there, And they always say, My phone is "Whatever" or I don't have a GPS, And I always tell them to LOOK AT A DANG MAP !! But you would not believe the people that can't read a map, Especially the younger crowd !!!, And don't get me started on how many younger people can't tell the time on a watch/clock that had HANDS instead of being digital !!!. People need to stop depending on technology so much, And use there BRAINS a little more !!! Just keep this in mind when you depend so much on GPS's and CELL's, If ONE MORE Sattilite goes down,All GPS & CELL service is GONE !! Then how will you function ?? Use your brains People!!!


Cell phones don't use satellites, unless you're making an overseas call. Even then, most still go through undersea cables.


In the lodge restaurant at the start of the trail, didn't I see a couple of tables with backpacks and rifles...though I saw a lever action Winchester. I think I'd have at least taken along a 9mm pistol. The greatest predator threat, then and now, would be the 2-legged variety.


In the book, Bryson actually covers the threat from people at length. When the book was written, something like 6 people had been killed on the trail since its founding. Statistically, you're far more likely to die in an accident on your way to the trail than on it. You'd be better off swapping the weight of a pistol for more food. I'm not anti-gun or anything, it's just that usually you want to minimise the weight you carry, and something you almost certainly won't need seems superfluous.


That's because it is an adaptation of a book that was written in the mid-1990's.
