Really Bad Misogyny

Aside from hating Toby Keith & Ted Nugent, I have real moral issues with this. The protagonist's love interest is kidnapped by DAMN FURRINERS, and him and some other males rescue her. She couldn't have escaped them? They weren't obviously very intellectually sophisticated. But no, this is a country song brought to life, and the old, appalling ideas of Southern chivalry rear their heads.

This film is another one of those irritating "bromance" movies. In them, women are irritating foils to fun & relaxation, but at the same time, they're a convienent source of cooking, cleaning, and vaginas, so you have to put up with them. That message is deplorable.

PLEASE, PLEASE quit making movies like this. It gives Southerners a terrible name. We're not all blue-collar morons.

Are you guys havng a killer time?
