no, No, NOOOOO!

Dear god, I hope this isn't a TV series based on "Best Picture of 2004" Crash. I knew TV was garbage these days, but was this really necessary? I think I need to be sick...


it's a follow up to the movie yeah :( this will suck balls.


What a terrible idea. What's it going to be, a sitcom? Seriously though, this looks to be pretty awful, why not just rip-off the idea and call it something else.


just waiting to see....


"It's better to have a gun and not need it, than to need a gun and not have it"


Ok guys. A quick over view for you. The MOVIE Crash was originally created to be a television series. Then adapted into a movie screen play and made. Theis TV series is based off of the original TV series scripts. It is being made by the same producers and is written by the same writer who made the original movie. I am looking at alot of the footage as I type. it looks to be freakin awesome. Its taking the view places that the movie could not because of time constraints. Trust me. this is gonna be great!


Correction: It is being PRODUCED by the people who WROTE the movie. The writers and directors of the series did not have a credited role in the film.

I don't know everything about everything, I'm just going with what I can find online.


I don't know whether it is going to be good or bad (I enjoyed the movie immensely) but what I do find refreshing is the open minded approach taken by the creator of this thread.

"Hell, the fall will probably kill you."


lol, exactly. Some peoples kids these days...

"The key to immortality is to first live a life worth remembering."
Lao Tsu


I know, seriously. I'm from Charleston, SC, and we're as southern/backwards/racist as you can get. MOST PEOPLE AREN'T THAT STUPID. The movie played out like that urban legend where the guy is pulling up bricks or buckets of mortar or cement on a rope and a whole bunch of stuff happens that result in an immense amount of pain and, eventually, death for the poor guy. It's conceivable that this stuff could happen, but to the same, small collection of people, one right after another, "bam-bam-bam-BAM!"? The movie tries so hard to get into the subject of racism that it ITSELF becomes racist and unbelievable...


The previews that are showing on Starz right now are HORRIBLE!!! The dialogue is ridiculous. People actually get PAID to write that???? It looks more like a b-movie or a low-budget college flick. How sad that Dennis Hopper will put his face in connection with this. Hollywood is a sad place... where shmoozing seems to get more done than actual talent -- at least based on these previews, and some insider info I have about the series. Just a real lack of talent, quality and attention. Figures that it is on Starz and not Showtime or HBO.

Check out the credentials of some of the writers on the show and you can readily see why it looks so bad and why the dialogue doesn't make sense. All of the shows those writers worked on fail for me, for the same reasons.


I just finished watching the first episode. I mean, Dennis Hopper was good, in his typical Dennis Hopper I-talk-crazy-but-in-a-philosophical-sense-the-things-I-say-are-true sorta way. But other than that, I thought it was terrible. Did anyone ever consider why they may have turned the original script into a movie? Because the message it was trying to convey worked much better as a movie. Crash certainly isn't one of my favorite movies, but I thought it was good. This show is essentially a reiteration of everything that the movie covered, only it feels more empty. I felt no impact from any of the characters or events.

But then again, hopefully it was just the first episode. I may try to work up the strength to watch the second one, but that probably won't happen for a week.


I dont agree with you. I had a chance to watch the first two episodes and I think people can actually get into the show. You say the show is a reiteration of everything the movie covered, but isnt that what most other shows are? There are more than a dozen shows on that are, like, the same as in other networks.
That is like saying that just because a network has a teen drama show a different network cant have their own about the same topic. Plus, Crash has new things that I really like and I think are different from other shows. like, Cesar, the immigrant story? What other tv show that are on tv right now, can you name that has an illegal alien on his path to america, as a series regular? I think that one story is the one I cared for the most. Of course, I like Luis Chavez a lot, and maybe that has sometihng to do with it. But I also like other characteres.
The funny thing is that I wasnt so crazy excited about Dennis Hopper. I mean, yah, he is the star of the show, but, his character I dont care for. Im not gonna care about someones role just cause the actor is famous.



I watched the first 10 minutes of the 1st episode online. It SUCKS. The dialogue is terrible. It's forced and unneccessary. I don't see this one lasting very long.
