I actually liked Fanny.

I didn't think that we were supposed to, but I rather liked her. Fanny grew on me a lot by the end of the series. She's a nice contrast to Amy, who is all sweetness and light (which is great for a literary character but can get exasperating in real life). Fanny makes no bones about what she wants out of life; she doesn't pretend to be something she's not, and in a way I felt like her and Mr. Sparkler (great name, Dickens!) deserve each other.

The scene between her and Amy in their nightgowns, particularly, showed us that Fanny has another side. Not to mention that without that silly lipstick on, the actress who played her is as cute as the proverbial button.

"Hey, that's right... We're supposed to sing about pirate-y things!" - Mr. Lunt



LOL! I know soooo many people like "Fanny" I know what you mean - You like her, even tho you're not supposed too. It's a guilty feeling.

The actress who plays her Emma Pierson, she get a LOT OF WORK! She's in a lot of shows I see: Coupling, Worst Week of my Life, My Hero, Little Dorrit, Hotel Babylon, etc. But she doesn't really have range, she seems to always play the "stuck up snob." I'd like to see her do something more challenging.


Agreed. Her and Sparkler were a riot. And I could kinda see why Sparkler was so smitten. For a man who values people with "no begot nonsense" (love that phrase) it makes sense that he would fall for a girl that speaks her mind and doesn't put on airs.


She was funny, and more so in her scenes with Sparkler: "There's no bigod nonsense about her" "Sparkler--be quiet!!!"

I like to think that there marriage wouldn't have been quite as miserable as his parents was--though certainly not as great as Arthur and Amy's.

"I love knowledge. In fact I yearn for it." -from the TV show "Designing Women"


Yea, I agree, Fanny quite grew on me, too. I think her marriage is going to be a good one. Sparkler is smitten and looks happy and proud of his wife, weeks after they're married (a sad contrast to Pet). Fanny, too, has a fun way of interacting with him, which is not without feeling. I loved it when she asked him whether he was cut down by his stepfather's suicide. Shows that she does care for her husband's feelings. She's not perfect, but not bad.


I rather liked Fanny. Mind you, she often drove me mad with her airs, but on the other hand, she was capable of kindness towards Amy, too, and it was clear she felt a genuine affection for her sister. I also thought both sides of Fanny's character were shown equally well, which made her very interesting.

What I found especially hilarious was her sparring with Sparkler's mother - these two really were a match for each other! And that "Shut up, Sparkler!" was the stepmother's/mother-in-law's catchphrase at first - then Fanny made it her own as soon as she was engaged to him. Both women treated him almost like that parrot... I think Fanny was astute in her prediction that Sparkler would suit her.

clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am...
