Oh man, have we sunk this low?

Recycled, pointless, humorless, annoying garbage. I honestly, tried watching this show on three occasions. This show fails to make me laugh. Now I may be nineteen, but animation is my life. My ambition is to become a writer and a VA, but this show just proves these channels aren't looking for anyone special anymore.

"That's the karma again, I didn't help Kenny so she beat me up with a telephone"



So expressing my opinion makes me a troll? Then I guess you saying this show is awesome makes you a troll. Please, I can criticize what I want. Grow up and come back when you start your sentences with capitals.

"That's the karma again, I didn't help Kenny so she beat me up with a telephone"


I'm very critical when it comes to Tv and films but I think this show is genius. The animation style alone sets it apart and is far from conventional. It's inventive, so I don't see how Cartoon Network is no longer concerned with their quality of program when they decided to air this show.

The characters have real personalities and the dialogue is refreshing for a "kids" show. I really don't see how this show is an example of coping out from television networks. It's actually one of my favorite animated programs.


Well as far as animation goes, it's doing the same bits as Chowder.

And the writing is a carbon copy of Spongebob. But that's my opinion.

"That's the karma again, I didn't help Kenny so she beat me up with a telephone"


The writing is far different from SpongeBob. The only reason so many of you lot think it's a carbon copy is because the main character is so happy.

If anything ALL these shows can link back to the predecessor that was Rocko's Modern Life.

I think years from now this time of animation will be looked on and noted for the similar style of happy, hopefuly, semi-annoying at times characters...

"If you should need me, tap this staff three times on a wall."
"No, it's just loud."


The reason so many of us think so is because it is. Flapjack is a human Spongebob and Captain K'Nuckles is just like Mr. Krabs. I know exactly what they're trying to do with this show. They're think they're referencing old shows like Benny and Cecil, but what they're really doing is slapping nostalgia in the face. This type of "modern" humor hasn't been funny since 1997.

And this goes way back before Rocko. Try Ren and Stimpy. John K. started the weird close ups and random madcap humor. But ever since Spumco went dead, the magic has been gone.

"That's the karma again, I didn't help Kenny so she beat me up with a telephone"


It's BEANY and Cecil. And Chowder and Flapjacks animation styles are completely different, your opinion sucks.

And that's my opinion.

I was too busy screaming as they chewed on my entrails to think about my manners!


Excuse me? People have been employing random/seemingly random humour, toilet humour, 'madcap' humour and various other types of so-called humour present in Ren and Stimpy for many years, and not just in live action shorts/feature lengths, but in animation.

By the way, John K is a bitter old git now - Ren and Stimpy was his ONE major feat (I hate it, personally) and since then all he seems to be able to do is sit in his pit mouthing off about how rubbish everyone else is when he hasn't actually done anything important lately. In fact, has he even done anything at all (if we don't count his video for Weird Al Yankovic's Close But No Cigar)?

Stop hailing idiots like Kricfalusi as masters when really he's just capitalising on the success of great comedians and writers before him. I can't say I ever saw anything on Flapjack or SpongeBob or even Freakazoid (which I admit was a brilliant show cancelled before its time) that so much as resembled anything I ever saw on the Ren and Stimpy Show. I mean, Flapjack/SpongeBob/Freakazoid are good shows. Unlike Ren and Stimpy which died a terrible death due to Kricfalusi's bad decision making.

Oingo Boingo/Family Guy/American Dad!/Obscure reference here.


Yeah, you enjoy your recycled humor. You want a really funny random show? Watch Freakazoid or Clone High. I give this show two seasons till Cartoon Network comes to their senses.

"That's the karma again, I didn't help Kenny so she beat me up with a telephone"


Wow, firstly: GREAT reference to Clone High, that is one of the funniest shows I have ever seen, haha. That being said, why do you hate this show so much? So far all it sounds like is that you think its too similar to past shows, but you're faulting it because it isn't original in that respect.
Flap *is* a lot like Spongebob, and Pee Wee Herman, and any number of other characters like that; they all share a character archtype. To me, that stuff is really funny: the obliviously happy idiot or someone as naieve as these guys are.
It sounds like you went into this show already believing that its a ripoff of those other shows, and judged it right off the bat. I do it with movies I think will suck, and usually look for points to hate on instead of even trying to like it. But anyway, its just a cartoon on TV and one guy's opinion against it. Its just unfair to us how you tried lowering us down for liking something you don't.
Chances are you won't respond, but I'm curious what you disliked more specifically about it


who is "WE" ?


I don't see this show as reminiscent of Spongebob at all, sans the navie, fun-loving protagonist but even then you cannot say that the shows are alike. And Krabs as Kunuckles?? What, is it the hardy voice that makes you say that because they are very different characters. Except for the voice, and the love of a single materialistic thing, I really don't see any real similarities.

As for Chowder, I honestly never watched the show so have no idea of it's nature. From the clips and tid-bits I've seen though the animation style is very different from Flapjack. One's happy and youthful, and the other is juvenile yet sadistic.

Again, I really don't see how this show is run of the mill.


It's not only the characters, it's the humor.

You've got random one liners and bathroom humor. Once again, you can date this stuff back to Ren and Stimpy. Not only that, there's jokes pertaining to pirates and sea life. I'm not saying a show can't have that, but mixing it in with the first two doesn't exactly scream originality to me. It's one thing to take influence from a show, it's another to totally rip it off.

The animation is like putting a nice wrapper on a piece of crap. Good animation does not make the show. And don't get me wrong, I DO like some things on Cartoon Network. I'm probably one of the only few who likes Ben 10: Alien Force, Camp Lazlo wasn't bad (Mainly because Joe Murray was one of the pioneers of this type of humor), and I really liked Storm Hawks.

And by the way, you just basically proved K'Nuckles is a rip off of Mr. Krabs. Also, I should state right now, I HATE Spongebob. It's become nothing by Nickelodeon's cash cow.

"That's the karma again, I didn't help Kenny so she beat me up with a telephone"


Did you watch the same show the rest of us have? This show is hilarious. I'd like to see you try to come up with something as fresh and entertaining as this show.


Oh trust me, I would if I could pull the right strings.

As stated before I'm heavily into animation. My two prospects are to write and be a VA.

And let me just say this. There is a DIRECT rip off of Sponge Bob in one episode, I couldn't believe I actually saw this. Tell me, does this sound familiar?


Wait for it...


I mean come on...you can NOT deny that being a total rip off.

"That's the karma again, I didn't help Kenny so she beat me up with a telephone"


If that was the only instance of a musical note, yes, but as Flapjack regularly has music cues for the most random little things, no, it's not considered a rip off.

You're talking to an avid film and cartoon watcher. Flapjack is a wonderful show and you have not seen nearly enough of the sheer trash out there if you think this is bad.

"If you should need me, tap this staff three times on a wall."
"No, it's just loud."


I've seen sheer trash. You don't have to look far either.

Just because you think it's wonderful doesn't mean I can't criticize it.

"That's the karma again, I didn't help Kenny so she beat me up with a telephone"


you keep referencing Spongebob and comparing Flapjack to Spongebob.

Have you ever watch Spongebob?? Because there is no way in this world (maybe yours) that Flapjack is a carbon copy.

1st: Flapjack is a little bit more disturbing than Spongebob.

2nd: SpongeBob doesn't have a plot to it. Flapjack does and yet you don't have to watch it everyday to get it. Its simple K'nuckles and Flapjack want to go to Candy Island. I mean the opening song tells you this.

3rd: The drawing style is waaaaaayyyy different from Spongebob.

4th: The characters in Flapjack (even though I like the characters in Spongebob) are way more likeable.

You can have your opinion this is the internet but there is no need for bashing us. There's a line between opinions and underminding others opinion.

So go leave your opinion on the post and go home.

"okay okay stop shaking your uvula"


I'm not bashing anyone.

"That's the karma again, I didn't help Kenny so she beat me up with a telephone"


I'm sorry but when I first saw this show, the first thing that popped in my head was: SPONGEBOB.


I really don't see the similarity besides Flapjack and K'Nuckles being similiar to Flapjack and Mr. Krabs. So what if Flapjack is cute and fun-loving? Thats how little kids are! And the OP stated that K'Nuckles and Mr. Krabs want the same thing. Well K'Nuckles wants candy and Mr. Krabs wants money...how is that the same? The animation is totally different. Flapjack covers the era(which I'm guessing is the 1800s) very well. Another thing Spongebob is for kids and adults while Flapjack is for adults. You know it is, you can tell. What exactly do you find gross by the show by the way?

R.I.P. Heath Ledger 1979-2008


For someone who's ambition is to become a writer and a VA you might want to reconsider a lot of what you are saying because most of it doesn't add up. Flapjack is the only cartoon i really watch these days other than adult swim stuff and even then i haven't been paying as much attention as i used to to it.

i never got the hype of spongebob and frankly i think it is overrated. Flapjack is nowhere near a carbon-copy of Spongebob. you've given one minor example and no major details. Flapjack relies heavily on the animation and voices then provides the stories within that atmospere to try and achieve the ultimate goal, candy island, whereas Spongebob is driven with the representation of what the characters are and the stories surrounding them.

Flapjack is a character that looks up to K'nuckles and is brought through an adventure because of him. Spongebob creates his own adventures while conflicting with other characters of the show.

You said:
"You want a really funny random show? Watch Freakazoid or Clone High. I give this show two seasons till Cartoon Network comes to their senses."

if your giving this show two seasons till its cancelled it still does better than one of your funny random shows clone high which was cancelled after one season of 13 episodes. I don't want to dog clone high but your ridiculing Flapjack...what can i do?

you don't have to like flapjack but you think you know what your talking about just because your AMBITION is to become a writer and a VA. Well my ambition is to be in the NBA but i'm a 5'7" white dude. I'll take it that your only being nineteen is where your ignorance retains itself.

bleepety bleep bleep bleep - amen


I can see how some people just don't like Flapjack but I don't see how people compare it to Spongebob...Flapjack and Knuckles only have similar voices but not similar personalities. So to think the characters of Flapjack are rip offs of whatever is a bit idiotic... no offense.

That being said I'm in my 20s and think Flapjack is hilarious and one of the greatest cartoons to come out since the golden age of Nickelodeon. I don't think this show rips off Ren & Stimpy or Rocko at all but I do think had this show come out in 94 it would have been on Nick along with the others and worked well.

Clone High was a great show but not even on the same level as Flapjack in audience and subject matter.

RIP Paul Newman 1925-2008. Words can't express how much you will be missed.


You love shows like ren & stimpy but hate flapjack? Who cares if the humor is similar, that's what makes it awesome. We haven't had a show that uses gross and creepy humor the way R&S did in years. Cow and chicken was close, and some other shows kinda pushed the line, but flapjack is truely one of the only shows in a decade that has reached the gross humor boundaries that ren & stimpy did.

One of my favorite examples of creepy humor was the recent mermaid/skymaid episode where at the end it's like

skymaid "keep wishing flapjack and all your dreams will come true!"
flapjack "even my nightmare?!"
skymaid -disgustingly detailed close up and low darth vader voice- "...yes"

Just awkward humor like that is what sets apart this show from all the other crap on CN, like total drama action, 6teen, etc.

I find it funny that you liked camp lazlo and don't like this though. I appreciated the humor of camp lazlo, but couldn't watch an episode more than once because they continuously rehash the same jokes and humor in every episode. It had a chance to be a decent show, but the lack of originality from episode to episode is what killed it for me.

And comparing the animation to chowder...I can KINDA see what you're saying here, but besides the random closeups they do(and chowder uses this scarcely) there are no difference. All the background detail in flapjack has a really...gross detail to it. It's overly drawn detail to the point where everything just looks dirty and mangy. Whereas, chowder the backgrounds either are just a texture placed on top, or its really plain one color with some random drawings.

Sure the characters have a KINDOF similar art style, but honestly with cartons lke these, how is the art style going to be that different? Both shows came out at the same time, carton network probably planned for the art styles to be similar so that people who liked flapjack, could relate to chowder.



