This looks SO stupid!

What person in their right mind would watch this? Patrick Uskert and Jeff Tomlinson are both fiction writers if you didn't know! The only respectable people in this show are the aliens! Patrick and Jeff are male strippers!


So what, you can't be a fiction writer and still be interested in UFO's? Jules Vern wrote a story about going to the moon, and at the time his book was science fiction, so..ha!

"Get busy living, or get busy dieing."


The team from the Sci-Fi channel show are all real UFOlogists and they have impressive educations to back them up. The two main guys worked with Budd Hopkins (from the Intruders Foundation) for years before starting their own organization. The old guy runs the planetarium at Wagner College and teaches Astronomy while the psychotherapist is a real practicing LCSW in Manhattan. He really does work with reported abductees and tries to help them. The woman really is a private investigator. All those people are for real. I think they are very credible.


What is so stupid about it? Your comment maybe. The show is very objective and scientific and very careful about any claims. I don't know what you meant by "Aliens", this show is about "UFO" Unidentified Flying Object. I only watched the first episode, and find it interesting, but I'd like to see more convincing evidence though.

Sapere Aude!


